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    " I don't see where the issue is."

    Not everybody can be one.

    =D =D =D

    "What you can't do is pretend that his prior career didn't happen."

    Yes, I know that.


    You can be incredibly accomplished and also stunning and still have a ridiculously hard time.

    Go get your prize

    Like Poltergeist: already here

    You won't like it


    He didn't say "thank you".

    I think you can order one of those at RedRooster! You don't have to go across town to have that.

    *falls out of chair half laughing half crying*

    This. Because wypipo WILL come out the side of their necks not having read the book, seen the movie, skimmed the article …

    "He's the one who told me "13th" didn't accomplish what it set out to do."

    "if bigotry is a personal committment, or whether it runs in the family."

    Why should she want to relive that, though?

    Then why are you trying to put that so-called "perspective" out there yet again??

    Thank you. All that UGLY trash talk.