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    "Black dudes don't feel threatened by Black women dating out"

    inorite?? It's like Indexed Reference Material, for your convenience.

    It doesn't happen quiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiite as often, first of all.

    Right? That's projection.


    LOL. Is Mrs. Michelle Esq an air sign?

    bunch of overachievers

    She jelly

    How about that Lying Racist White Cop Darren Wilson, then ???

    "break" room, literally

    When they're in charge - on the right OR the left - that's for sure.

    LOL. Way harsh, Tai

    *laughs herself silly*

    Come on! I'm talkin' to you!

    Joe Perry can get it. Even as a Senior. Yeah, I don't care.

    I am CRYING

    And that includes both boys AND girls. I will never forget the group side-eye we gave Jason Whitlock for trying to call Serena out of shape before 2009 Wimbledon.

    muy shady

    No can do?