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    "My statement was innocuous"

    It definitely will.

    He's already threatening to "talk about African-Americans".

    Mine too.

    Not only that? Republicans of color also have this ish to answer for, and I’ve noticed they’ve been miiiighty quiet lately (even Steve Harvey):

    So … a lady has to be All That At All Times in order to be one?


    Two to block, two to delete.

    I had to practice between SAG-AFTRA and now ('cause that was when I saw that Oscar coming).


    I'm dying. That's why your agent hasn't gotten the call.

    LOL. Were you in the room the whole time?

    'cause the first #wypipo instinct is generally "SNATCH IT KEEP IT MANIFEST DESTINY" or something like

    that's cuz u smrt

    *And* your own keys.

    There for the reading!

    In the not too long ago past in the early 90s that POC were being sent to the fronts in the Iraq War first - even tho "there is no draft" …


