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    i'm crying

    I know somebody is talking some trash when I look to see and I've already blocked them from some TIME ago …

    Not. At. All.

    We know, we know.

    Let's do that!

    He has my watch on.

    Well, great! More of that, then.

    That's why Trumpanzees love him. He's literally aspirational.

    Who are you talking to? Richard Spencer?

    Y'all need to flag and block.

    IKR? I think the only answer there is "You're still here …"

    We gotcha visual aids right'c'heah

    There are so many blk ppl "onstage" every time I see a new promo, I keep praying they won't decide to delay release for some reason.

    "Look, my disdain for Obamacare is noted from my libertarian cred."


    star for you

    This comment needs more recognition