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    What's frightening is that there are those Melbourne evangelical types who will believe it.

    Spicey is saying that 'cause he's four separate kinds of stupid.

    "They love coal mining, because jobs. "

    LOL. Don't you schadenfreude yourself into some bad karma, now. I have no plans to get out in that revolution field and mess up my do (any more than it's already been undone by the stress of the crazy).

    That was … amazing.

    There was a blonde white woman literally screaming at "Yertle" McConnell at a town hall meeting in KY a couple of days ago.

    Doesn’t make you all any less right, but another WOC already beat you to the concept a couple of months ago:

    ‘k. LOL.

    Randomly! LOL.

    Dog in a manger

    And then come banging on the door!

    I have my art; I have my photography, and whatever is going on in the kitchen with the newfangled gadgetry for my "projects".

    You'd think it was rocket science the way bruthas wanna math all over it and wrinkle their foreheads like they're being asked to fix the Trump Administration single-handedly.

    "I think we as women think we can fix folks"

    Great minds

    There's family enabling going on, too, though. Let's not take that all on ourselves as women if we haven't heard at least ONCE from the mom/godmom/DAD (who ought to know better)/uncle (no boundaries) / male cousin (give me strength):

    And that is not an accident.
