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    LOL. Riotstarter.

    I'm not even really trying to split those hairs since it all ends up in the same place.

    Thank you. People forget this so often - it's why I am SO nervous about Billionaire Bitsy DeVos - she wants to repeal the Child Labor Laws even though she doesn't know anything.

    I know that's right.

    You know, I went with my mom and aunties and niecies - we had girls night - and my mom leaned over and was like "The wypipo don't look happy."

    Denzel got no directors' props. Not even a nom.

    I screamed.

    Yes. I was like "I don't work for the Patriots Organization. Hmm."

    You did not give ol' dude a kidney and then go to Popeye's with their salt content.


    LOL. I wanna see.

    Yeah. I know.

    You don't even have to just believe it!

    Bannon and Trump would be …


    You seem to be doing a lot of vague complaining about specific points of view without bothering to let us know who has the ones to which you object nor what you think should be done about it.

    No "practically" about it.