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    He's not my leader

    Denial is a hell of a drug.


    *shouldn't have laughed*
    *did anyway*

    They're easy to imitate because they're singing that sad stupid song so often it's really easy to memorize all the lyrics.

    Same with Chauncey Vega at Salon and the writers on The Root.

    They hated him because he was smarter than all of them.


    Don't tell me that. You and I already know that.
    Tell THEM.


    How's that working out for you?

    Get off that fence and put them up there.

    "It's easy for me to own my decision because I live in NY, where she was bound to win."

    That "rapture" insanity is why they don't give two hoots about the environment.

    "Only 1,378 days until the next presidential election."


    The Devil called.

    The dictionary people trolled KellyAnn Python