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    "it's treated as the very revolution they fear from the other side"

    A movie about Harriet Tubman would scare the ish out of wypipo.

    Why don't you make it?

    If I want black pain and historical accuracy, I'll go around the corner.

    You are great.
    Just invite me next time.

    Y'all need to let a photog with a lowlight cam shoot you victors next time.

    Yeah - the Rethugs got (and continue to get) by with a little help from their friends …

    Rachel steadily bringing the truth when we can stomach it.

    They tried to take everything from the speech to the dress to the cake.

    LOL. I love how people get mad with the rice and the broth before they even try.

    I don't think so, no.

    I will look when I have two minutes. I'm fussing with some people because this is the latest multi-trolling stunt the Dump Elect is trying to pull

    Okay, stop now if you haven't budgeted for Kleenex for errbody.

    You saw that too, right?

    No, you don't gotta — not if you voted for Dump - Elect in the first place, no?


    I'm friends with one of the photo editors the NYT let go, but he's still got plenty connects.

    Yes, to your photo of #YesMyPresident.