Rooftop Juche


Dude thinks he’s the king of outer space now.

Is a knight taking a knee to pledge loyalty to a king gay now?

Please just... no.

So calling me an incel isn’t the strawman and emphasizing the original intent of the law that this woman is trying to repeal is the strawman?

I can’t tell if your sigheiling is Poe’s law or a Freudian slip.

I want to ask why some users sexualize everything and project unsolicited fantasies onto strangers on the internet.

Sending a jpg of your ID doesn’t give new information. It’s a formality.

Good. Let’s get that going nationwide.

Why am I the incel and not the person who wants to legislate porn to be more accessible to children just so she can continue to masturbate? Why does she feel owed sexual gratification at any cost?

Why am I the incel and not the person who wants to legislate porn to be more accessible to children just so she can continue to masturbate? Why does she feel owed sexual gratification at any cost?

Don’t shoot the messenger.

The biggest polluters continue to be the US military and their subcontractors.

I’m doing very well, thanks and I hope you are too. Anyways let’s try to stay on topic if that’s cool.

Not to mention this:

The lengths people will go just to not build nuclear reactors continues to astound me.

Its the Byford Dolphin incident all over again.


I offer much more than porn does.

Wait until you hear what ‘sex workers’ have to endure