Rooftop Juche

Why is any of this clickbait nonsense newsworthy?

What game is this


No thank you.

tAkInG On tHe sTyLiStIc aNd lInGuIsTiC PaRtIcUlArS Of dOcUmEnTs fRoM ThE MiD-1700S Is tHeIr fOrM Of wOrShIp, ApPaReNtLy.


What are we even doing anymore. How are so many people fine with this

Ever read Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut?

Fringe of what?

I don’t have a horse in this race but if they’re unserious candidates, it should be easy for the president to make that demonstrably clear. A good chance to show off his rhetorical and leadership prowess to the disillusioned electorate and build confidence with his base.

Insurance is a scam

How many twitter posts should be removed?

Could just be that it’s an over-derivative bad movie like the rest of disney’s remakes.

Need a proper adaptation of Kirill Eskov’s The Last Ringbearer to finally bury this goofy franchise once and for all.


many freelance crew and supply chain companies were relying on this project for work in the months ahead.

Cool now do the US military

the answer to your mystery is easy and simple:

not a fan either but some thoughts are best kept to oneself
