
"It's like having a lion, where we took out all its teeth and all its claws," Alexander said. "But in the case of Dr. Casadaban, the lion didn't even need to have teeth. There was so much iron that it was freely available and easy to get."

@FemShepard: That is sound thinking. We shall see!


A lot of people here don't seem to know the difference between rubber and synthetic, petroleum-based rubber. It comes from trees! Trees from the ground!!

@MrPistachio: Hello! I am a rubber tree, I come from the ground and maybe I love you just a little bit.

@Nitesh: It is! It comes from trees. Synthetic rubber though, not so much.

It is neat how Frito-Lays market Sun Chips as eco chips for eco people, and how they do not use this biodegradable bag on the myriad other lines they produce

@sygyzy: The internet: it's the same reason an Irish Irishman like myself (not one of those fake feckers you have over there) can have Ron_Paul as a username. Borders (some of them, at least) mean less and information's more available these days.

@markclassic: Because while it's cheap, it's also... Cheap.

Firefly? River Song? Please tell me you're trolling me, I am herping and derping so hard I can't feel my legs

Will this allow me to have Spinal Tap-grade black pixels in my next (or next to next to next to next) TV?

Ballmer... Ballmer...

@Digo: Alternatively, Goldeneye. Are you picking up what I am putting down?

@Ron_Paul: There is also the cancer thing, let us not forget about the cancer thing

I come from a location affected by island dwarfism, and I have been advocating this for a while. I mean:

@amnesiac: You I what there did see.