
@patches8: I share this sentiment, I'm sure many others do too. Get well soon Steve, so that I can continue to amass smug through using your products in ways you do not expressly intend them to be used.

His teeth look like spooky ghosts.

Probably not - if any of its moons are large enough to hold an atmosphere, they would also (probably) be bombarded by asteroids pretty frequently, due to size and gravitational draw

"Tyche?" If it turns out that this does actually exist, it should be named Pluto II.

I get iPod - he only get iPod Mini! Everyone know, it for girls!

You're looking well.

@Akio Morita: iOS things can do Vimeo! I upgraded from a G1 to a G1 and an iPhone 4, it really took me by surprise.

It's a bit sad that they didn't find a huuuge smiley face on the other side. Ho hum.

@thirdchild: "A feet?" Also, no, you're very wrong

@JimmyBanks: Fromt brake's the more efficient brake. If you're falling, you just need more practice!

@YummyCyanide: He will. Wilford eats people with type 2 adult-onset diabeetus. He'll still get his meals.

3 is definitely the brutalest.

@vein11: Nope, it's pretty bad - even calling someone a cunt is less offensive. "You're a vagina" vs. "you're a homosexual and I class that as insulting"

@NorthernRoamer: I figured that given the subject matter, and the line I closed with, that most people would see the 'lost point' as being crucial to the humor.

@NorthernRoamer: I'm sure you'd hate on an ellipsis, too... Tell me, why are you bothering to bring to attention my "incomprehensible" drivel? I'd understand if the article the comment's regarding was pretty much anything other than what it is.

@NorthernRoamer: It was cross-posted to Gizmodo, I'm sure mine's not the only comment of this nature. Sorry for offending your delicate sensibilities!!

Fame can be neither created or destroyed, it may only be dispersed among your various crack-whores or itself converted (probably through fame-olysis) into the crack used, in conjunction with the remaining fame, to draw them to your hotel room.

Little do they know, I am already in the process of affixing this "laser" to my frickin' shark's frickin' head.