
@Ghinn: Hah-hah! Those options necessitate doing at least two things prior to eating! I refuse to do most things, on (min. 36%) moral grounds. I fear I may need to starve.

I wish there were Taco Bells in Ireland. All this talk of spicy beef is making me want spicy beef.

Grammar Nazis: I fear we may have been trolled.

@ePrometheus: She looks like Moaning Myrtle, who looks like Daniel Radcliffe. Hmm.

@Touchstone: Yes to all of this. If they get the dev community to grow, and if this has USB host mode, I'm sold. Providing the iPad 2's screen isn't as nice as I know it will be.

@rxe7en: Fuxin' lobster foam all over your chest and face! Rrraaaaaghgh!

@meatbag_pussrocket: I felt "support" implied continuity - to have your parents' support after a break-up doesn't mean extracting their resources in as efficient a manner as is possible, leaving them but husks in your wake, so fear not, we see eye-to-eye in this jean-punch game :)

Nit-picking as usual - "decimated by up to 90 per cent" - this hurts; come on, New Scientist!

If Apple use this, they'll be able to thin the glass down enough to allow for thicker paint on that white iPhone 4. Right on schedule.

You know how you can buy those fishing lures with built-in LEDs to attract fish down in the depths, where it's dark? And how some fishing competitions have outlawed them, because of how effective they are?

At that size, I really doubt it would actually provide 1800mAh, and (I think) to make the battery so broad and also so shallow it would need to be LiPo, which I doubt they would use, as it's a spendy technology. I still sort of want it, though ;_;

@Snes: ...You may have been, but that's all I'm going to see in future. Thanks, dick.

I love the copypasta'd typo in each iteration of this, "THIS STATMENT IS VERIFIABLY INCORRECT." It led me to read each of his comments in an angry, butthurt French accent.

Perfect soundtrack for reading about Jobs's life.

@andrew_berge: I'd just go to the paper's website. D'oiiii

@Brightmotor: ...Shells Like Teen Spirit? Tubular Shells?

Link it to Wolfram and have it do proper maths for me.