Ronnie Pickinpaugh

But maybe the best?

That's how they get ya!

True, at least as far as the IBS jokes go. But his "Easiest thing in the world" catchphrase never fails to make me laugh.

It's definitely watchable. Marlon Wayans' character really drags the whole movie down though. I've got nothing against him, but the writing and performance for his character was obnoxiously bad. Everything else for the most part works.

And don't forget about Ben and Kate. It's on tonight at 8, so don't be late!

I like Craig for the most part, but I think it's smart they're only using him for a joke or two every other episode. As awesome as Jenny Slate is, Mona Lisa can be pretty grating. Her character is funny at times, but she was definitely being overused during her "relationship" with Tom.

Someone should buttchug a 2-liter bottle of diet coke with Mentos.

I enjoyed Ted more than I thought I would. I was expecting this to be a disaster, but I laughed quite a bit during the trailer. Color me… excited.

I enjoyed Paul Schneider's role in Parks and Rec, even though I agree with the above statements. I'd love to see him return to Pawnee for an episode, especially if it doesn't feel forced.

While I feel like 808's was an even harder left turn than Yeezus was for Kanye's material, I do agree to an extent. Kanye West is doing things within the realms of mainstream music that no other artists are doing (aside from Radiohead). And it's exciting that people are taking to it. Yeezus is a challenging listen (in

I'd hardly consider four guest spots "loads," and I usually dislike skits on rap albums but I thought they worked extremely well here.

Replace Yeezus with good kid, m.A.A.d City and then it sounds even more offensive.

Both are great filmmakers.

"Hey, you guys want to listen to surf rock!" I imagine him saying on set as everyone collectively rolls their eyes.

All white people look alike.

Pretty much. But RED STATE was pretty good, so I have some faith.

As weak of a film the first sequel was, I'm still excited for it. CLERKS was one of the first films that started my obsessive appreciation of the medium, so I'm happy to see these characters return even if I know I'll most likely be let down.

I wanted to like it (TESD is an enjoyable podcast), I tried to like it, but boy howdy that show is embarrassingly awful. If this musical idea is meant for the stage, I'll probably never get to see it. Still looking forward to TUSK and CLERKS III though, even if CLERKS II sucked.

I'm going to take watching Friday Night Lights more seriously. I started it fall of 2012, stopped for several months and picked it up again late-spring of last year and then stopped after a few episodes. Justified is another show I really want to sit down and watch. The Americans as well.

Don't be such a stick in the mud, bud.