Ronnie Pickinpaugh

i'm done with your stupid face

i'm done with your stupid face

it's fun to think about

Solidarity for Ernesto <3<3<3

yeah dude, you're a scumbag. seek help

Were the av club boards always this gross and shitty? Or did a garbage truck stop by and dump the commenters in here?

why would it be?

Jesse Plemmons is one of my favorite parts of the show, personally. His performance is understated, but it's perfect.

Well, if no one wants to say "Elvis Depressedly" out loud then I will! That's a great band name ya knuckleheads!

Like in a Batman movie?

^^^yucky to almost this entire comment section^^^


There was a TV remake, but I'm almost positive the poster shown above was still used for the original film on one of the dvd releases.

My appreciation for the film has waned over the last few years, but the first twenty minutes is still pretty phenomenal.

I don't think most norms let petty things like someone's waning filmography get in the way of true Costner affection.

Did anyone else notice the Gus Fring yellow dress shirt and tie display in the background when Jimmy was being tailored? Maybe it was just a coincidence?

The metroid is in captivity. The galaxy is at peace.

Doug Benson talks about being on the set of Blade Runner on an episode of I Was There Too if you were interested to hear his story.

Leave Donny Jepp alone everybody! He's a kind, wonderful, sensitive man!

Plus, he's been mostly isolated in that underground dungeon with other maniacs for years at that point. Hopkins plays it big in parts, but he totally nails that subtle insane, absence of humanity role too.