
Not me, too athletic/fast. Walmart or Golden Corral Parking lots, tons of easy pickings.

Thank you, Shitty. But I was really more referring to those who came in 2nd, not last. Have a good day, Shitty.

I am shrugging off that life is often inherently unfair, but not that competition categories should be ignored. The biological categories are what they are because we acknowledge certain differences based upon gender. It would not be fair to have the top women compete against the top men, but not because they are any

The lousy thing I am saying is that fairness has nothing to do with it. There is probably not any IDEAL outcome for Caster. It is even interesting that they are saying Caster is allowed to run in the female category with this medication, when it is uncertain that Caster is even biologically female. I do raise the

This and the Michael Phelp’s examples are poor comparisons at best.

To join the choir: Deadspin’s refusal to acknowledge the complexity here is frustrating and undermines your credibility and good work elsewhere. Whether you want to draw the line at XX versus XY, or do a clustering analysis of testosterone levels (and performance); either way there is a clear basis to exclude

Deadspin has dug in their heels on a really bad take with the whole Caster Semenya story. It is just an ugly situation, but that does not mean it is discriminatory. Look, the athletics categories are “male” and “female”, and we are not talking about those categories in terms of which one you personally identify as.

That game was fun as hell.

This is one of the most appalling Deadspin comment sections in quite a few years 

Then she has no business being a staff writer for a sports blog that will ask her to write about sports.

A week before the 2012 Olympics, a group of researchers and academics gathered for the International Convention on Science, Education, and Medicine in Sport in Glasgow, just over 400 miles north of London, where the Games were being held. One of those athletes (?) was South African runner Caster Semenya,

Saying there’s no evidence that testosterone increases performance is a claim that shows a startling ignorance of the intended and actual effects of most PED’s.  That level of ignorance is absolutely ridiculous for something published on a sports blog.

Is “muslim” a race AND a religion?

Maybe Ben Simmons can make some sort of video too, that will draw out defenses to cover him.

The Raptors are the K.C. Chiefs of the NBA.  Yeah you do a bunch of cool stuff in the regular season, now do it in the playoffs for a change.

The NBA sucks. Kyrie is a petulant brat. LeBron is a petulant brat. Dan Gilbert is a petulant brat. The Eastern Conference has a invisible hand named Rich Paul. I love basketball, but the League is a soap opera nowadays. And these dweeb-ass bloggers eat the shit up and perpetuate it like stay-at-home mothers.

The truly amazing part of this story is that it took a teenage boy more than four strokes to finish.

From the Reading Comprehension Tees

Oops, I caught a Nazi!