
I cant believe you troglodytes think men are faster than women. It’s a construct of the paternal, Deep state conspiracy builders. Open your eyes non-binary warriers!! They even have us thinking men are taller on average!! Fucking cavemen!!!

If you’d done this publically it would have had more merit. The royal WE has more right to call out the larger opinions of a NYT contributor. When you directly call someone dumb and insult them what’s the response you’re looking for? It can only be ....... You holding that opinion of his is as much ego driven as

Ccollective bargaining and who cares.  Fucking socialist.  

I agree with you here and I’ll raise ya a,”All religions are stupid and we should shun all known believers.”

It was a good podcast. He also commented that if you’re under contract you should play ball. You can’t knock his Lebron take because look at the situation : Lebron has no one, Cleveland has nothing to show since LeBron left and everybody is starting to smell the tired, ass Lebron as master mind trope.  Hes a desperate

Sum1 shud tird on this geye. Cult shizz tawk!!

She's overrated musically, right?  All image for this chick. 

In the end. They are only words. Time will waste. Away the meaning goes. In the distance. A black snowflake feigns a righteous pose. And the fascist left will burn the world on principle. In spite of life. The harrowing tale of a comfortable world.

So the logical next step in the endless cycle of progressive political ‘shout outs’ is for the perpetrators to start casting a victimized eye toward the church, synagogue, parent, teacher etc. Which then leads to the church, parent, teacher expressing victimization by mid 18th century ‘cold heartedness’ and the

Boo fucking hoo. If they aren’t valuable they won’t last. Seen the Ryan family lately? Nothing to do today, Patrick? Gotta get your injustice panties all bunched up over some crappy a guy who oeibanlt made minimum wage the last 3 years, comes from legit pedigree and earned his experience? You fucking baby.

Apparently the poor babies at Deadspin can’t read. You both must be Jets fans.

Crybaby. Why should his Twitter be shut down? I can’t believe you can honestly stand behind such obvious childish logic. The world is doomed because of this feeble, trigger-happy mind set. Grow up already. You fucking whiny bitches. And I’m a progressive. “Mommy, I’m scared. Turn it off!!” Bitches.

10,000 Heck Yeses

My wife loves baseball. It definitely turns me on.

Boo hoo

She didn’t win the US Open. You’re a moron.