Flash to whenever: Apple registers the trademark "Uslan Bolt", and pitches the technology as "The gold medal standard of charging your devices, magically!"
Flash to whenever: Apple registers the trademark "Uslan Bolt", and pitches the technology as "The gold medal standard of charging your devices, magically!"
I though Rip Tide was Kristen Saban's nickname...
I've watched three minutes of this thing and I've come to two conclusions:
A few counter-points, if I may:
"Only about ten percent of the 8 million people who live in the United Arab Emirates, one of the world's wealthiest nations, are actually Emirati citizens; the rest are Western expats or Asian, African and Middle Eastern guest workers."
This is the only "Looper" I will recognize...
All Your Children
Relevant. And hilarious.
"There isn't much you can do to prevent that is there?"
"There's not much new in the video Apple soon-to-be-former parts reseller ETradeSupply posted..."
Ahh...I remember the radio ads like it were yesterday: