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Stop! That’s My Wife! is Peyton Manning’s erotic rebuttal to Al Jazeera

I work with someone who grew up with a player on those 49ers teams. She spent a little time with Mr. Montana as a result of this friendship and she said the same thing. She HATED him. Although her friend was a notorious asshole too.

He said he wanted to cut his teeth in the NBA, but this is ridiculous!

In a weird way, this game will come down to Manning. We plays well, Denver is in it. He gets sloppy, Carolina cruises.

Nah. Throw his ass in jail. He’s not mentally ill, he’s just a young, dumb, entitled asshole who won’t deal with his drinking issues. He had his shot to deal with it, instead he abused a woman. Now it’s time he is told what to do for a while.

Remember when Johnny Football was fun.

OK, but this is not a situation you would normally watch porn in. They are sitting in front of cameras, purposely trying not to get aroused, with other people around, as the commentate. Not only are people going to react more and do strange things when they’re on camera and essentially being asked to perform, but

The most graphic part was her little tongue thing at :31. That ALWAYS means they’ll let you fuck them.

Anchor Julie Stewart-Binks suggested he should dance for her.

“My Little Pony cosplay isn’t just for furries. It’s also for adults who want to pretend that said ponies are actually the the Gods of Ancient Battle.”

“Well..I’m just gonna load up some Skyrim. Enjoy your book.”

I imagine it has to do with the whole “No officer, that isn’t my beer in the cup holder, it’s his.” situations that would undoubtedly arise.

No, sir, that just means we get more Tony Dungy and Rodney Harrison, which is like listening to a conversation between a bologna sandwich and Uncle Rico.

As a rebuttal I respectfully submit:

nah just a fucked up headline designed to deceive readers

Sure Jesus’s jump shot his rookie year got criticized, but even his fiercest critics had to admit he hung tough on the boards.

Would I eat this? There are scratch marks on my screen and my fingers are bleeding from trying to get it out of my monitor.