Ron Mexico's Burnr

Nah, it’s pretty obvious to anyone who’s followed him enough through his college and pro careers that Blake Griffin is quite probably just a dick.

I think the problem with that theory is that even if one friend wins decisively, there’s the idea that maybe there was tension that boiled over and both of them went at it and the loser maybe got his licks in, so they both got to exorcise what was pissing them off. I don’t know quite how big this guy is, but Blake

As a Twins fan, I’ll never forgive Devito for waiting this long to do a sequel.

Did you read the article? The whole point of this particular anti-piracy system is to function in a way that does *not* impact legit purchasers while still confounding piracy.

Thats a lot of words to whine about how you cant steal games anymore. Poor baby.

A boogeyman witchhunt

Piracy is a result of entitlement. It’s usually a case where a minority percentage of the population ruins shit for the majority.

If fighting “piracy” didn’t also mean fighting consumer rights to their own digital rights and ownership, didn’t affect their ability to use a product THEY paid for and didn’t fuck with what should be fair use in the 21st century instead of the 19th century, sure fight “piracy”.

Hm... I've been playing rise of the tomb raider quite a lot. Not once did notice something weird that could be attributed to denuvo.

I see this claim a lot, but I have yet to have Denuvo impact the performance on any game that’s known to use it, and I own all but two of them at the time of this writing. What is your evidence?

Citation needed on the DRM ‘wreaking havoc’ on JC3. From what I understand since it’s an open world game it takes a long time to load initially. This is no different from GTA 5 or any of the other large open-world games.

As it stands, piracy is a symptom to distribution flaws, drm flaws, pricing problems, and just bad people always being bad and never playing “fair”. It doesn’t give them carte blanche to go fucking with paying customers with abusive, intrusive and resource hogging DRM.

I have heard that the Giants actually made him the same financial offer as the Sawx, with one apparently significant contractual difference: San Francisco built a weight-monitoring program into the deal, and Boston did not.

Gamers need to stop looking at money/hours comparisons. A $20, 3 hour, genuinely good game is a better value than a $20, 20 hour time waster of a a game, which is a lot of campaigns out there. I would much rather drop $20 on something that’s memorable like Firewatch or Gone Home than $20 on a mediocre shooter that I

People spend $18 for a 2 hour movie...why is $18 for a 3 hour game expensive?

I paid 18 bucks for taco bell last week

Popovich/Duncan 2024

Good on him for being smart and having something to fall back on when it’s time to step out of the ring. I wish him luck with Twitch streaming, though; I can’t imagine success will come easy, if at all.

So he kisses Papa John and gives a shout out to Budweiser, I am surprised he did not get carried to the stage by a fleet of Nationwide agents.

When they cut to Peyton sitting in the locker room as the representative of the Colts’ Super Bowl victory, he was drinking a Gatorade in front of a pallet of Gatorades. Papa John was also one of the first people whose hands he shook as the game was ending. He is very, very good at this.