Ron Mexico's Burnr



Mommas don’t let your babies play football as babies, either. This case is important because it shows that it’s not necessarily a long career in the NFL that does it — the damage done when playing peewee, high school, and college count, but no one talks about it. Scary shit.

+ long 2

This is Scott’s fault for making his password 12456789.

Boo! You didn’t even do a proper writeup of what happened. mean from 0-12 to 12-2?

Don’t blame Microsoft. It’s not their fault the tablets are full of spyware.

This is Russell Wilson’s comment

Sorry, Cam’s actions on Sunday were far less egregious than that fucking commercial Wilson did with Macklemore...

That must be the most infuriated she’s been in all her 4 years as a Seahawks fan.

Not only is Manning aware that he regularly hits the deck, but he also knows the officials won’t always end the play there. It’s a very specific “play to the whistle” counsel for his receivers.

Now playing

Only people that play Fire Emblem can understand this joke.

Man you went from the light weight stuff into the hard shit.

Stop it Kotaku, I just got clean.

unlike weed you would need to smoke a whole “blunt” of it to get high

Well, this will be a black eye on the organization

He’s actually dialing the number of the local Domino’s. But they’ve been dealing with his drunken 2am calls for 30 years now and don’t even bother correcting him anymore.

Reportedly his groin is a gray area as well.

I’d need about 17 shots to find college football watchable.