You could say that the Orlando Pride comes before the fall
You could say that the Orlando Pride comes before the fall
Wait, Angeleno? Does he not live in South Philly anymore?
“I never see anybody on TV.”
So he didn’t address the statement at all but at best kinda said. “Hey we do charity and stuff.” Because all the owners wish they could fire all protesting players, but they cant.
Relieved to be a Spurs fan? Let me introduce you to...
Get fucked McAdoo. How about you stop calling draw plays on 3rd and 6.
So the Red Sox are still stealing signs then?
Citing widespread flooding in the state of Texas, the NFL reasoned it could not deprive Dallas of its navel attack.
“This is fine.”
At a temple somewhere in Queens, a Lama smiles with pleasure at how quickly his new student Sandy is discarding possessions for nothing.
Dodgers and Mets are an interesting comparison. Both large market clubs. Both had owners who were over-leveraged and essentially broke. MLB rightfully pushed the Dodgers owner out, now they are one of the best run teams in the league, financially and competitively. The Mets? Wilpon was a good buddy of Selig. He stayed…
So the Mets save money and the Wilpon’s get richer while poor Bernie Madoff sits in prison, sad!
pfffffffffffft. Prove it.
“See you in the playoffs”
I think Deadspin should offer a one-time-only amnesty in which Jets fans are allowed to switch their allegiance to another team without being accused of bandwagoning. Then after they’ve all accepted the offer, publish a followup post saying it was a trick and only the most pathetic fanbase in sports would accept such…
Nah. The Bears are just bad, but you have to go some to reach the Browns or Jags level. That’s like a level below the Jets. If somebody tells me they’re a Bears fan I laugh with them about their team. If somebody says they’re a Jaguars fan I study them. What makes them tick? They’re rare creatures. It’s like spotting…
Really!? This is news? Kyrie went to Duke (albeit briefly) of course regular, rational people want to whup up on him.
Wait, are you supposed to stop somersaulting off your parents bed at some age? Certainly not by 32, right?