
How long until he sues the department for wrongful termination and gets his job back with back pay?

Which local PD is he being hired by?

Police PR guy, answering all subsequent questions: "That officer is no longer employed by this department. Next topic?"

The city likely self insures. 

They should use their secret, super sketchy, drone program for pursuits instead.

Or you can, get this, NOT drive like a douche whether or not a crowd forms. This is 100% on the driver whether there was a huge crowd or nobody around for miles. Just because the crowd makes YOU want to drive fast as opposed to there being no crowd at all doesn’t make it the crowd’s fault.

You can hoon with a slant-six. Just say’n.

Deserted parking lots and dirt roads are, however, the ideal places to stand around and stroke your libido.

The Silverado was so upset with its ugliness that it just needed a little push to roll over and die.

Good question. I remember in my stupid years teens and twenties when I drove both mine and friends over powered beasts, we would take them to empty parking lots and closed roads and do just this. Too make sure we knew what they would do when we wanted to smoke the tires, spin out, do donuts, smuggler turns, and other

What the hell is that ridiculous little purple thing following them? A Fiesta? It’s terrible.

But he wasn’t racing against anyone. There was no other car, and he wasn’t trying to set a time either, and no actual competition. He just gave it too much gas at the wrong time and place.

You just made my point. PIT maneuvers are designed to make the other vehicle spin out, not roll over.

Just before the accident....

Here we see an adolescent Hellcat on the hunt for prey. It sees its target - a lumbering white pickup, clearly poorly mutated with its awkward face and structure - and chases the prey to its inevitable short end as it easily takes it down, exposing the fragile underbelly. Being a young hellcat, it does so

It’s the special edition RAM Challenger Hellcat.  Didn’t know they were branching out away from trucks...

These videos cause ambulance chaser attorney's to have, as Clarkson would say, a crisis.

In the third video @35 seconds, a bystander asks “You got kids in the car?” guy (presumably the driver), answers “Nope.” thankfully. I’d still be pissed as hell family or not.

Hey all you budding eyewitness phone filmers...

Yep, another teachable moment about how vulnerable pick-up trucks and other high center of gravity vehicles are to roll-overs, often with seemingly minor contact when driven at highway speeds.