I mean, Monica Lewinsky was definitely complicit in having an affair with a married powerful man, right?
I mean, Monica Lewinsky was definitely complicit in having an affair with a married powerful man, right?
I enjoy how one of the articles promoted in the banner is about Monica Lewinsky on Last Week Tonight, talking about how painful the media pile-on was when she was a young woman. And then it seems like every other subsequent article is a pile-on of Olivia Jade, Paris Jackson, ect. Good stuff, great self-awareness…
I mean, it kinda sounds to me like Tyra was seriously traumatized by Naomi’s bullying, and hasn’t fully processed it, even all these years later. I feel like Naomi saying “it’s not that deep” is actually not true at all. This is a person who clearly suffers from some major psychological issues, and rather than take…
These Jewelry experts have such widely different values for JLo’s ring I think they might have, could have , mostly probably, maybe ….. Been fooled by the rock that she got.
not a fan of kdash, but I love everyone pretending like if they caught their good friend messing around with their partner that they wouldn’t be crazy mad at their friend.
In her interview with Jada Pinkett Smith, Jordyn directly says in a slow, sassy way: “And, I KNOW, I am NOT to blame for the break up of that family”. Fair enough, clearly Tristan is, but still sounded like a way to kick Khloe when she’s already down? So Khloe’s twitter response saying she was to blame was a response…
Tristan Thompson is clearly a piece of shit, but I don’t buy all of her story either. My wife’s sister and friends don’t sit on the arm of my chair with their legs draped over me and stay at my house all night when she’s not there.
I’m all for laying more blame on the men in these situations, but I don’t think that absolves the women. It seems like she probably did get a little too flirty, and a little too close (I don’t by the “I draped my legs over his because of space issues” bullshit), and he took it a step further. There’s plenty of blame…
Admittedly I don’t follow her very closely or anything but has anyone ever really made an effort to point out just the shear volume of garbage that Oprah has introduced into the culture? Like, she seems like a savvy businesswoman and kudos for that but it’s like she’s generated this entire side industry of con-artists…
Y’all. Not everything has to be a Kris Jenner storyline. Regardless of how scripted many happenings in their lives can be, it is also entirely possible for human beings to make human mistakes. I know the overwhelming narrative here is that Kris controls everything, but I don’t think that Jordyn or Kylie would have…
I’m baffled by some of these comments. It’s perfectly fine to dislike the ring. But it’s ridiculous to interpret it as evidence that they don’t take marriage seriously.
Regarding the ring, I know this is a downer but I have to share this as a mining industry professional...
I’m trying to wrap my head around the idea that “exercise is the most underutilized antidepressant” is “worrisome.” There are reams and reams of data and studies indicating that exercise’s positive effects are more than just physical, and speaking empirically, I don’t feel the same if I don’t exercise most days. I’m…
can’t stop saying “mama,”
That's not at all the point I was making. Try again.
“..The problem with the question of ‘what do men want?’ is that they usually just tell you, rather inelegantly...”
Having sex with someone, getting off, and then immediately falling asleep or leaving the room or generally being unconcerned with the other person and their satisfaction—-which doesn’t have to mean orgasm—-is shitty behavior, whether perpetuated by men or women. That’s what vibrators and other sex toys are for. If…
I agree that Megan looks amazing, but let’s be real. Her skincare routine is not something most of us peasants can afford. She is not using some Walgreens (or even Sephora) moisturizer and serum and calling it a day. It’s fillers, botox, lasers, peels, LED lights, Kybella, Ultherapy and whatever else your friendly…
Please stop defending him in any way shape or form. There are no mitigating circumstances with child molestation. He was a scumbag predator whose deeds rest solely on his own shoulders. Of course he had help-but no one was forcing him to destroy these boys’ lives.