
Also, with what was recently brought to light about Zoe Quinn, none of us are really sure anymore if these accusations of harassment are even true. Quinn lied about the harassment she received from WizardChan so as to bolster sympathy/support for her cause. Who is to say Sarkeesian isn't also doing something similar

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I guess it's trolling when you try to debate a charlatan proclaiming that you either agree with her horrible un-researched garbage or you're a troll/misogynist/bigot, etc.

Sadly, what is says it is and what it does are two very different things. I hear the KKK isn't about hatred either.

Please do some fact checking before making inaccurate statements.

Wow. So all those countless, nameless virtual male corpses left in gamers' wakes is somehow less important..... Because TEH WOMYNZ?!

Good onya, Josh! We need more articles like this! Great read. :)

There are Googlef facts to support everything and anything you want on the Internet.

I find it more of a perpetuation of victimhood from a subculture of failure. When a black person tries to be successful and/or responsible, he/she is often accused of "acting white" by other blacks. a country led by a black guy?

I'm sure that white homeless man that was gunned down by cops had much better in his "top" status over the President of the US.

White is a race, not a class of people. When was the last time a "white community" had riots and looting? See? Racism sounds dumb no matter how you try to frame it.

On top of what? Apparently, you've never seen any homeless or impoverished white people. Live outside of a predominantly black/Hispanic community for a while and you'd be surprised how many there are.

In before it's removed! Sadly, it's an insightful expose that will fall on many deaf ears.

How do you royally f*** up an entire game with, what is essentially, a content patch? Bravo, Capcom. Bravo.


Abandon Ship! I wonder what studio his golden parachute will float him to next?

Okay, so not only are you clearly retarded, you're also unable to comprehend what you were reading. Let me spell it out for you:

LOL! That's the wittiest rejoinder I've ever seen.