"Feminism is NOTHING more or less than the equality of the sexes."
I'll start with some of my own questions gained from observing your replies:
Why should she comment and demand content control in a medium she doesn't like ("There are too many dicks on the dance floor. Make games that appeal to me instead!")?
"She's just an academic making videos about games" ....and describing what is wrong with them, what is wrong with the people that enjoy them and how they…
LOL! You accuse me of being aligned with two sites that I don't even visit and then insult me for not being informed. So, which is it? Am I a sheep to Reddit/4Chan or just ill-informed?
LOL! Maybe I'm "spouting the same regurgitated stuff about Sarkeesian not being a gamer" because it's the truth and has a huge significance to why gamers dislike her opportunistic fame-collection?
Please watch that entire video I linked. She admits she doesn't like games and even calls them "gross."
This "controversy" is being created by the people profiting from it. If you're unable or unwilling to see that because you honestly think gamers are the problem, well, congrats on being part of the problem.
It's no more of an attack than anything Phil Fish has received and yet you don't see him disabling replies to anything he's written. Hell, let's talk about "attacks" for a moment. Ever hear of Erin Pizzey? She was so horribly attacked by feminists after she founded the first domestic abuse shelters and posited that…
When the discourse is silenced and immediately dismissed as "trolls", "harassment", and "whiny man babies", it is indeed an attack. She has created a toxic environment where any disagreement is disregarded as "misogyny" and "sexism."
Are you serious?
Just imagine how parasitic these people are when they make EA look less evil. There are good people working at EA: men and women that have sacrificed time away from their loved ones to develop games. Sure, their bosses suck and sure their games have more bugs than a roach motel but they're still working to produce…
Is there some hipster script that's getting passed around or something?
I think people pushing agendas in industries they've made painfully clear they have no interest in beyond making a profit are not valid.
Wow, now that's a cogent argument.
Conversations aren't one-sided. The backlash against Anita Sarkeesian stems from her complete dishonesty and opportunism.
Profiting from manufactured outrage is not arcane, it's actually quite mundane.
So...no more hateful, harassing speech from SJW/feminist "game journalism" media, eh? It sure would be nice to see an end to all that manufactured outrage they use to bait clicks, rally virtual pitchforks and shame gamers into enduring their hate-speech in silence. ;)