
LOL! I'm so sorry, men. This hipster douchebag thinks he can speak for your entire sex and has forgotten that old, tired shaming tactics of an insane retard no longer work....especially when he has no idea who he is trying to shame into silence. Hint: not all women fall into your neat little preconception that they're

LOL! And there's the magic word, ladies and gentlemen! Are you hipster-douchebag feminists all reciting from the same crazytown manual or something? You also forgot "male privilege" and "cis scum" but I'll let that slide.

Yeah. Two of them: Janine Melnitz and Kylie Griffin.

We just found a solution to the world's energy crisis! Bloody brilliant! opposed to camping and playing whack-a-mole with cover-based, slowed down, aim-assisted console shooting? I'll take my bunny-hopping, movement-based, FUN shooting from when developers designed games for the mouse & keyboard instead of a clumsy pair of thumbsticks.

I own this game already - it's called Unreal Tournament III. It's relatively cheap (~$19.99 USD) on Steam and I'm fairly confident it can be found cheaper elsewhere. All this talk about "going back to the basics" yet there are plenty of decent games already out that can be purchased right now.

It's a stillborn idea that was born from a boardroom instead from engineers that know how the Internet works. Latency issues (especially in the west), absurd pricing and turning products into services killed this before it even left the whiteboard.

Ouch! Five figures for a piece of furniture? I reckon if the wood was of super high quality and the carving was decent, those prices wouldn't be too insane.

The whole "next gen" console generation has been nothing but over promising and under delivering. This is what happens when parasitic marketing people co-opt a creative industry.

I don't see an airplane crashing into the building. That doesn't look like the same architecture as any of the WTC buildings. How is this a 911 reference again? People really need to stop hunting for outrage because it's slowly turning our culture into a diaper bin of mediocrity. Releasing it on a September 11th and

You're being incredibly defensive over someone you don't know. She IS a complete stick and falls into the post-Whedon concept of artificial female empowerment. That's a huge disservice to real tough women (and pretty much women in general) by presenting a scrawny pageant princess as a female figure of power.

LOL! There it is: the "priviledge" bullshit all hipster liberals toss when they think they're arguing with self-hating men.

Here's what would get me to spend money on this product. It's a bit of a long rant but encompasses all of the elements that would need to change in order for me to buy Destiny.

Well, when you're trying to portray a character and look nothing like them, I'd say looks are very important.

Well, you just proved my point.

Oddly enough, I found the later Halos more enjoyable in terms of aesthetics, combat and mobility than this (but, being a PC gamer, it still couldn't hold a candle to what I was playing on that platform for years). No Man's Sky is definitely one of the games that has me REALLY interested to see!

...and at least look like you can take a punch.

I found the story painfully terrible ("You are the chosen one to fight the Darkness!") and the combat was typical console shooter fare (slow and little character mobility and iron-sites). The narrative delivery was awful and uninspiring. I found myself not caring about the world at all and the art direction was so

If the birkenstock fits...