
It's a console shooter that's been designed and built for the weakest platform first and ported upward. That's pretty much what Defiance was (is?) and that turd is a roach motel of bugs on the PC.

I think that's what a lot of people seem to forget: Warcraft IS a cartoon of sorts. The Blizzard art direction even reinforces this with its bizarre proportions and over-the-top voice acting. Warcraft is an Americanized version of Warhammer with a dash of Asian aesthetics for flavouring. It's the oil painting to

It's a shame the industrial sans-serif fonts are more popular today because it really makes the branding boring and blend into others easier.

Agreed. That red shirt kid really hammered home how asleep at the wheel Blizzard has become in their own hubris-laden success.

Now playing

So...what was wrong with this typography?

As a former game designer that was employed throughout the state of California (see: most expensive place to live) for nearly a decade, I never made close to $73K annually. This must be factoring in the overpaid Lead Designers. Hell, most of my senior designer colleagues made less than that as well.

Absolutely gorgeous and entertaining...although it bears no semblance to the game itself.

LOL. The "point" of this series was to cash in on the success of Avatar: The Last Airbender. I'm starting to think you don't understand the point of the series.

Wow. With comments like that, you've successfully shown us that you're the typical finger-in-the-ears modern liberal douche that can't grasp rational thinking (or the meaning of the word "literally"). Have fun with that.

In your desire to defend Korra's flaws, you failed to understand the concepts of heroism.

Why bother buy the new hardware if it's not really any better than the previous? Why not just get those same games on the older generations if you're not really interested in graphical improvements?

OH MY GOD! A vagina! All must hail it! This game is now 100000000x better because if that quick sighting. Thank you,Ubisoft. Now that a female is in the game, everything is now right with the world.

A bunch of socially awkward and maladjusted men and some attractive woman straight-man to point it out to them. How original. :/

I had no idea who the Shockmaster was because I never really watched wrestling but a former coworker told me about a wrestling game he worked on a few years back and sent me a link to Dusty Rhodes narrating that clip.

Well, "dude", how about you take your own advice? If my opinion is made abundantly clear and what I've presented is believed to be "burning strawmen rants" then why don't you just start your own comment thread instead of attacking me in mine by hypocritically tossing strawmen of your own?

So I'm supposed to respond

The one power up that I had mixed feelings about and I never saw it outside of Japan was the "Ice Block." I found it in a demo version in the one of arcades of Akihabara.

From what I recall, it just encased the target in an ice cube for a few seconds and prohibited them from steering or breaking (I was still allowed

Nope. Their tears hage filled up enough glasses to last a lifetime.

You know, those statistics are dubious at best. Citing unreliably acquired statistics doesn't really make one's journalistic integrity look too substantial.

Until there are legal consequences for false rape accusations, the rape culture perpetuated by feminism will only continue to hurt real victims and the men whose lives were destroyed by a system that treats half of our population like retarded children and the other half like evil, oppressive devils.