
They have one game after a series of games that doesn't have a female protagonist and suddenly the sandy-vagina lynch mob comes out of the woodwork to lash out at Ubisoft in a series of hateful, agenda-pushing articles and you think that's okay? Get help.

Clearly you haven't been reading the myriad articles and incendiary comments they generate. Sometimes people don't want to see what's directly in front of them because it forces them to often endure a harsh introspection. How is this even remotely similar to the anti-Muslim hysteria of American political propaganda?

Please look up the definition of "oppression" and explain to me how that even remotely correlates to this article.

Take a look around at the comments generated by this article and tell me this hasn't cast Ubisoft in a negative light.

Please re-read my reply.

The fact that I, a woman that both regularly plays games and develops them, don't realise that some click-bait article campaign to smear Ubisoft's name is somehow addressing some terrible epidemic wronging me is the reason this is such a major issue? WTF are you smoking? We're not victims. There isn't some insidious

It's your preference to have a female protagonist. That's well enough. That also means maybe Assassin's Creed: Unity just isn't for you (especially after I just named some cool games with female protagonists)?

Again, vote with your wallet.

From what I read, they were "inches away" from adding a female protagonist but decided against it in the very early stages of the game. It wasn't management so much as the creative team evaluating the asset demands, amount of time they had available and how the narrative team could accommodate both sexes. This wasn't

"Why were females CUT FROM THE GAME as a primary protagonist?"

I don't think you understand where the concerns I have lie. Whether or not we agree on the desire for non-white non-hetero non-males in our games is irrelevant. I have zero problem playing as pretty much anything in games (I've even enjoyed playing a small slab of animated meat).

When the press does this, it's called bullying. The press is effectively using their medium to force a change that they feel benefits them. Michael Moore does this often and his tactics were downright sickening to watch (even when I agreed with some of his beliefs).

So you can't identify with a character unless s/he is of a specific race/gender?


So...are you developing this game? Are you a programmer? artist? narrative designer? Have you already paid Ubisoft money for this product?

How will I ever get to sleep at night now?!?!?

Well, I'm not white and not a male and have been enjoying Assassin's Creed since I first met Ezio (a white guy).

Do you see the hypocrisy in what you've written or is the cognitive dissonance so overpowering that it completely prohibits you from seeing that you're essentially telling someone "You don't have the right to complain; only I, and people that share my views, have the right to complain"?

Amen! My character in Dragon Age was a gay male dalish elf...of which I am neither and I still was able to enjoy the game and identify with the character.

How does bitching and complaining "care about the culture and art form" of this industry when they both demand it changes to placate their agendas and alienate the people that have enjoyed these products by accusing them of being sexist/racist?