
The crux of the argument is: bullying a developer into changing the content of their game when A) you haven't purchased it and B) you're not developing it, is a VERY bad way of going about things.

Actually, no. There ARE worse issues out there than whether or not a game developer decides to create characters with the skin colour/sex organs you demand. Grow up.

Hello, kettle.

Agreed. Connor was a non-white male and had the likability of a piece of glass in your shoe. Altair was a Syrian and I was never a fan of him. Ezio was white and I loved that guy.

Name-calling to answer name-calling? How very mature of you.

So. Apparently, you have ZERO will of your own and always buy products you disagree with? You might as well be a robot -and for all we know, you are.

My question is: Why? Why does there HAVE to be this magical "diversity" you speak of? Why do Ubisoft have to bend over backwards to cater to YOUR demands? I'm not speaking for anyone beyond myself here when I say that I am really getting tired of this victim narrative the Social Justice Warriors/feminists insist on

I'm sure the SJW/feminists would find something else to complain about if that were the case.

I'm not white nor am I a man and I don't need a character that fits my exact sex and race to be able to identify with them. After all, that would be sexist/racist of me. As for representation - when there are more minorities than white heterosexual men buying and developing games, we'll see more of them.

What's with all the Social Justice Warriors picking fights with Ubisoft? This is like the absolute LAST game developer that the SJW/feminist crowd should ever be nitpicking and looking for something to bitch about. There are plenty of real issues concerning women found elsewhere.

You're clearly "bored" and not given enough work to do in your own life so thus you have to latch onto something and proclaim yourself its champion while attacking me. Good job, you're one of the crazies shouting at a stop sign for being "redist."

LOL. Keep trying to make yourself sound sane by poorly constructed insults toward people pointing out your absurdities. Sooner or later, reality has this nasty habit of becoming undeniable...not matter how many lies you keep telling yourself.

"For Social Justice!*"

Oh look! It's the "I'm an oppressed minority with mental disorders so everyone should toss my salad!" I was wondering when you'd make an appearance.

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is how they keep trying to offend someone by continually trolling a rebuttal. Take note of the whimpering, passive-aggressive jabs.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you a prime example of a Social Justice Warrior. Note the passive aggressive and self-important opening statements followed by the immediate shaming language.

Christ! You guys are like piranha voraciously descending upon a single fish that dares swim out of sync with the Social Justice Warriors.

Hey, Mirror's Edge! Why can I only play as an Asian woman in your game?! Tomb Raider, you sexist den of gyno-centrism - why can't I play as a male protagonist?! Cooking Mama?! More Like "Men have no place in the kitchen so GTFO!"

Link's been a girl for many, many years. I was never confused about the sex of Link in the 8-bit days. Today, Link looks more effeminate than most daytime talkshow hosts. Hell, look up "Link cosplay" and the majority of cosplayers are women.

Wait. Is Link no longer left-handed or something? I watched the footage and it dawned on me that the character firing the bow was using his/her/its right hand.