Some phrases that come to mind:
Some phrases that come to mind:
Great. My pool of employment competition just grew by another 700 people. Looks like, after 10 years, I'll be waitressing again. :/ FML
Hmmmm.... I couldn't find the "Hot" or "Not" buttons to vote.
Sadly, the people responsible for Thief's lackluster execution weren't the actual developers that worked on the game (or the people that lost their jobs). In my experience, the leads (see: people installed into positions of decision making that often don't deserve their positions but attained them through climbing…
If you honestly think men are "above" women in today's society, you definitely have a problem that delusional feminists share. No worries, there are no shortage of morons these days so you'll fit right in.
LOL. Still trying to fight the good fight against the evil anti-feminists, eh?
That's a real shame. I loved her work on the Uncharted series (though, admittedly, Drake's Deception was rather weak compared to the previous two).
Amen! With all the cries about sexism in this industry from media outlets like Kotaku, it's really depressing we get all of that distraction propaganda instead of articles that actually addresses what's truly destroying this industry.
No kidding. I'm out of work again, too. This industry is so royally screwed. All that talent that actually made the good stuff are trying to raise families and sustain steady employment/places of residence. We're left with shot-callers that end up making stuff like this and costing good people their livelihoods.
The problem with the brainwashed is they fail to acknowledge facts when they're presented. It's like trying to convince a cultist that they're actually in a cult.
Thank you for illustrating your cognitive dissonance to us all. You might want to reevaluate your views on life before sneering down at others from your faux-ivory tower.
Capcom sells players their patches and passes them off as "updated" games. In the age of online patching, I find this business model immoral and have since stopped playing Streetfighter because of it. My wallet doesn't seem to mind.
LOL. Thinks "feminism" and "rational minds" have any remote association.
Here's your answer: We will get more gay/lesbian protagonists in gaming when the majority of people that buy video games are gay/lesbians.
Your willful ignorance is your own business. The sad part is that, in your own twisted little mind, you think I'm the insane one. Hopefully the shock of reality won't be too harsh for you if/when it eventually occurs. Have fun in your fantasy world while it lasts.
No, a "dude staring at kids in the park" isn't thought of as a potential threat because of feminism, he's thought of as a privileged, patriarchal oppressor that needs to die because of feminism, you brainwashed feminist.
...more like: "What ad exec was given a position at a company to allow such laughably bad grammar in public-facing copy?"
That Battle G.Girls ad looks pretty cool, actually (too bad the game looks like the typical CBG garbage that's pervasive on iOS).
I love when feminism backfires. That one got a laugh out of me.