
Yeah. I really enjoyed the original and The Metal Age. The VO was actually decent and enjoyable.

It just goes to show that, just because a woman wrote it, it doesn't make it "better" than what a man wrote (or even good).

I'm fairly certain the two dust-collectors sitting on my entertainment center shelf will be sold as well.

Awww....look at you, choosing your hateful words so carefully by using such condescension as "performance" and "dramatic." Such a defective person being able to still function enough to type anything is astounding. Please, do continue.

I love how this is called a "beta" (test) when release of the game is so close that the developers won't have time to address and fix ANY bugs noted by testers due to Microsoft's lengthy certification process. It's a nice marketing event but, ultimately, serves no purpose in terms of actually locating and fixing bugs

Did you also know that leaving your home could result in one of the following?

So you're just an angry passive-aggressive troll dipshit that was looking for a fight? Bring it on, forever-alone behemoth. I love watching morons self destruct when they overstep their own intellectual limitations and try picking fights with people over the internet. It's like watching a toddler being fascinated by

...and yet you see no fault on the part of the woman in this situation at all? It sounds like you've subscribed to the female infallibility propaganda. That cements your stance and and, no matter what I say, you've already convinced yourself of your own beliefs. Your repeated strawmen further prove this conversation

Just because I call out one party (the woman complaining about her predicament) doesn't mean I'm giving the other party (the passive-aggressive guy) a pass.

People are different in the words they choose but, ultimately, if they desire the same end result and some methods are more effective than others - the answer seems rather simple.

That sounds incredibly sexist and quite horrifying, actually.

LOL. Oh, look. Someone thinks they're smart. How adorable.

I find the concept that it is necessary to be comfortable in public completely bizarre and irrational. How do you expect everyone in the world to placate you and make you "comfortable" when A) they don't know you and have their own agendas and motivations and B) these same people are expected to immediately

Wow. The passive-aggressive is strong in this one. :/

You left this here.

"Nice Guys generally don't actually care about reading body language in the first place, they only care about their own wants and desires. What the girl wants is largely irrelevant."

Uh oh. Looks like we have a White Knight trying to impress the ladies here.

Hey Look! Someone quick to insult someone without bothering to understand what they wrote!

I apoligise if what I said sounded like it was directed toward mens' inability to read subtlety. I wasn't implying this was an issue with the person interpreting the subtlety. I was stating that communicating clearly and honestly (rather than relying on subtlety and hints...which leaves massive gulf for

I'm sorry you think it's egotistical to think that relying on actual communication (rather then subterfuge) yields honest relationships.