
Gee, and here I didn't need to draft up a massive story to state it.

No. That's what you're assuming I said.

I loathe subversion and subtlety - it's exhausting and requires too much indirectness and social manipulation/juggling. Being overt sure makes enemies but it also makes true friends and everyone always know where they stand so misunderstandings are kept to a minimum. Saying what you mean and meaning what you say? What

I've had plenty of passive/aggressive "Nice Guys" pursue me. Sure, I get called a "bitch" and/or some other insulting term but that's how one has to deal with aggressive people: be aggressive back. If your fear of confrontation cripples you with an inability to deal with such people, I hear being a hermit works for

If you complain because someone "doesn't take the hint" and you're "forced" to endure that someone, you only have yourself to blame. "Hints" aren't communication.

Hey look! I can give better advice wihout producing a massive diatribe that basically insults men:

What was he supposed to do? Get shanked defending the stuff of an officer not smart enough to keep things secure?

That's great and all but can I get a refund now? I've stopped playing after the gamed kept crashing more than an college kid after a kegger and lost my progress.

It looks like that's when I'll most likely be changing my main from B. Orchid then. ^_^

Does anyone know if Double Helix/Amazon Games plans on showing off Fulgore at this year's EVO?

Nope. Just you and your moron cronies. :)

Congrats on proving that's there's no shortage of morons in this world. We already knew this.

Wow. That is not a pretty game by any stretch of the imagination. Maximum graphic settings still place it behind some MMOs that came out years ago. Here's to hoping there's something else to get acquisition and retention numbers up because that hefty cost of admission is already tough to swallow.

LOL. Sounds like someone's butthurt over this (you be the judge of who it is).

She based her career on her looks and she's "surprised/disappointed" that people focus on them? LOL

Wow, Superman all thinned out and went metro on us. His face looks like Wolverine's in that example pic.

Not a man. Old news.

Sounds like feminists that just happen to be women. I know just as many butthurt male feminists as I do female feminists. It's kind of sad how feminism has vilified my entire sex by claiming to speak for all of us.

It's not "women" that are bitching about this crap, it's the media parasites and professional victim mongers known as feminists. There is a huge distinction. I've been developing games for years and I've never joined the whinge-wagon of "my vagina makes me special and all games need to cater to me! Fight the evil

I didn't change anything about the tragedy that happened: it was male suicide.