
Actually, statistics show that when the father has a say in whether he wants a child in a relationship, the man sticks around more than 90% of the time. It's the "I wanted a baby and he didn't" single mums that comprise the majority of absentee fathers. When that minority of women screwed over by men that entered

Because liberal douchebags see race and sex more than the rest of us - oppression happens regardless of race or gender. It happens all the time in various forms across the globe.

Bitterness? Over what?

Well, start flapping your arms.

Yeah. Standing up for a demonized gender makes one sexist. Sounds like feminist logic hard at work to me. ;)

1. "Dudes everywhere" sounds pretty straight forward to me.

1. I don't see, in their efforts to promote equality, feminism addressing the issue of female rapists in our school systems.

I'm responding directly to you so read this carefully: Either through self-loathing or through some conditioned reaction, your attempt to come off as witty while taking jabs at one's own gender for approval just makes you look gutless.

What? Demanding that men and women be treated equally and not liking it when one sex is demonized over the other? I don't see that as a movement that needs a name other than common decency.

Last I checked, I don't have a dick. Clearly I have more balls than the douchebag that posted this hateful "joke" though.

1) That "joke" insinuated all men.

I have no idea what you're trying to say beyond something insulting.

LOL. He thinks he's immune to getting divorced and losing half of his assets when he falls out of her favour. That's a good little trooper. You keep believing that. :)

Men have also had a disproportionate amount of responsibility. It's not so black and white as modern feminism would like us to believe.

Congratulations. You've fulfilled your role quite well. Now go apologise for being a male and never a lay a hand on a woman even if to defend yourself.

So, where are the "Hey ladies, stop murdering your kids" PSAs considering that, statistically, more women kill their own children than men? It's an unfunny attempt at pseudo-witty snark that's been pre-programmed into an anti-male paradigm pervasive to feminist media outlets.

How do I know about them? Well, because I've been working for decades and have witnessed multiple instances of it. I'm not the only one, either. I've several coworkers (and friends of coworkers) that have come forward with similar experiences. It's an unspoken secret around the office. It's like all those female

Self-loathing and double-standards! Not just for hostile workplace anymore!

If you're brave enough to swing, you're brave enough to get dropped. That's another double-standard that annoys me.

"Lighten up?" Hilarious.
First off, bro. I'm not a bro.
Secondly, how well do you think a PSA that stated some harsh generalization like "Attention all women: stop being manipulative narcissistic cry-babies" would go over (especially on a site like this)?
Double standards, FTL.