
Good question. They happen and yet go unreported all the time. Amazing how a media site with an agenda works.

Yeah, because all dudes are evil, sexist, scumbags that should be preemptively shamed in order to seek female acceptance. Way to go, hero.

How many articles do you need to publish about this incident? I guess because it's not as common as your feminist propaganda machine would like it to be, you have to keep harping on it.
Sure, it happens. So do guys getting fired because they're gay. So do men get passed over in their career because they don't drink

I'm not a guy. I made my initial statement because the statistics are in and suicide is predominantly a male problem.

The sheer number of men that commit suicide vs. women each year is almost 4-to-1 in the United States. The numbers jump up to almost double that in Asian countries. This is a problem affecting more men and boys than woman.

When will it be time to have a conversation on male suicide? It's killing our boys and men at an alarming rate and really needs to be addressed.

It's not my cup of tea either but insulting and shaming people that are into stuff you, personally, find abhorrent is exactly the same mentality as those religious whackjobs "liberals" hate. Way to become what you despise.

I think this speaks of Dennis Barger's own internal struggles with paedophilia than of Mimi Yoon's art work. This also shows how the Political Correctness Police ruin everything.

It's as if the people steering the ship over at Zenimax Online have paid ZERO attention to this industry in the last few years. Great to hear a huge portion of the astoundingly ridiculous budget of this game was spent on Hollywood actors for VO. That's never happened before and turned out poorly, right?

I can't wait for the fallout on the iTunes marketplace where we'll see a bazillion copycats bypass the bullshit trademark laws with games like:

If you can trademark a common noun, there needs to be some reform in how trademarks work. That's just asinine and completely broken. If this is the case, I'm going to trademark articles like "the" and then sit back and reap the lawsuit benefits from my hired goons (lawyers).

I don't see this is as an "educational" opportunity to show men what not to do so much as a prime example what not to do regardless of your sex organs.

How was this misleading readers?

The less censored version:

Yeah, my metal health has gone to shit since Metallica sold out and went all hipster country on us. Also, their aggressive pursuit of Napster might have had a lot to do with it, too. :/

The industry has no shortage of talented "good" writers. The problem with crappy games being made lies not in the talent that created the game but in the inept leadership that directed it.

LOL! Everyone knows that it's open season to bash and make fun of white men (especially heterosexual ones). The people complaining must be ultra-conservative, Christian MRAs! They should just shut their over-privileged mouths and take it or we'll find ways to silence the ones that have the audacity to stand up for

Sadly, UT wasn't slowed down for a console controller or handicapped to accommodate the limitations of "next gen" hardware.

Is this really what everyone is hyped about? The coolest thing I saw in those vids was the Bink HUD video of the poorly lip-synced dispatch character. Other than that, it looked like a shrunken-scale BF4 mod with Mechs instead of conventional vehicles.