
LOL! This guy is like Francis: telling the truth through horrific parodies of terrible American stereotypes.

1) There are already too many people being brought into this industry that have absolutely no idea what they're doing but made it here under the "diversity" umbrella or sheer, unapologetic, cronyism.

I'm glad you know your place.

Oh, hipster liberal douchebags and their incessant need to jump onto others' comments to insult. It's like watching an MTV special with disorientated, spoiled children having their microcosms threatened by someone that doesn't agree with them so they're compelled to make sure said interloper knows they're wrong and

It's not niche. It could be viewed as everyone's "other" console. The pricepoint will continue to lower and Nintendo isn't selling these at a loss like its competitors are.

"Really, I'm not a social justice warrior! I just take it upon myself to debate injustices I see on the internet!"

I'm not ignoring your arguments, I'm laughing at them. Aren't you late for a hate rally or something anyways? I'm sure some poor woman needs your protection from the evil Patriarchy. Go get 'em.

I really hope my parents don't think of me as a "he." :/

Me too.

You tried to make yourself out as an expert. You are no expert. I never said I am an expert, just that I was just as qualified to comment on the issue as you, so you can't be so dismissive.

I agree that Nintendo's strength lies in their handheld gaming devices but I'm not sure that they'll be completely irrelevant in home console gaming in the future.

Yes! I loved these games! I would buy a reboot/HD model upgrade of these games.

If it were that simple, Nintendo would have gone the way of Sega long ago. I've listed the 3 main factors damaging this industry. The exact case with Nintendo rests mainly on the shoulders of the second and third things I listed: short-sighted businessmen and dead weight cronies.

How so? I've explained my disappointment in this generation of gaming by describing the business models and monthly extortion built into the console experience. Were we not discussing why my machines are collecting dust and why I'm disappointed with them?

Ah, the "You're insane" insult. I applaud the effort it took to drum up that one.

So, 2 games with an added 3rd game equals 1 game now? If that's the math you're going to use, it's no wonder you feel so impassioned to justify your stance and job relevance. :/

I waited outside a Best Buy about a decade ago with my roommates to buy a PS2 and had a blast playing many of the launch titles. I didn't bother buying the Xbox 360/PS3 until my job required it and I still wasn't impressed. The PS4/Xbone have ZERO killer apps. These systems need their Super Mario Land/Mario 64.

My job has been enjoyable but, thanks to the 3 contributing factors mentioned in my initial comment, it has become less so.