Well, I figure calling her by her rightful name: Scumbag McScamArtist would be a bit vague as there are a lot of feminists that fit that bill.
Well, I figure calling her by her rightful name: Scumbag McScamArtist would be a bit vague as there are a lot of feminists that fit that bill.
Water? You mean like from the toilet?
I could see that. Having an actually functional, voice-controlled TV and media centre has been useful. I just don't like the monthly price tag attached to it.
it seems odd to me that you would start a discussion ultimately about acceptance with a fairly damning statement. I'm probably not reading it as intended, so could you please elaborate on this?
They went bankrupt because they were run by cronies and short-sighted business (many of which catered to pressures set by social justice warriors).
Yeah. Waiting would definitely help but I fear the business models for these consoles won't improve with time: monthly subscriptions suck.
One of the best quotes i just pulled out my my arse:
Name one example where social progressive or feminist thinking has visibly changed *one* single game for the worse?
Feminists didn't anything to Battlefield 4: that disaster was the product of terrible management and poor planning. A few of my former coworkers worked on the game and explained to me of the unrealistic deadlines they were forced to endure to meet some schedule and budget that appeared to have drafted up by manatees…
How about you get back to me when you're done being so hostile toward someone you don't know about something you clearly know nothing about? I find your repeated need to reply to me hilariously pointless beyond trying to silence someone you disagree with. What's your point? "Be quiet because I don't like what you're…
One of the best quotes a creative director once told me rings true here:
What part of anything I said has anything to do with what you wrote? I'm confused.
Did you just gloss over the examples I gave with SarSleezian and the Mighty No.9 debacle or are you failing to comprehend the extent of what precedence they set?
That's the point: I'm not a victim and refuse to ever be one. Feminists make a career off of being victims.
WTF is wrong with you?
I can agree with that to extent. The N64 did launch with a killer app though: Mario 64. What was the Killer App for the Xbone or PS4?
I mentioned the three main contributors harming this industry; it's not my fault irrationally hateful feminists and social justice warriors immediately pounce on me to extend this thread.
Well, if you don't believe that you need to know anything about the license/product you're working on to be a developer, your decade on my sounds like a decade full of shit titles so congrats.