
Definitely agree about your Nintendoland sentiment. Remember when consoles launched with Killer Apps? Hell, we had a Super Famicom at launch simply because of Super Mario Land and F-Zero. We didn't buy the platform, we bought the games and the platform was merely an avenue to play those games.

LOL! You used a "quote of me" and yet still don't comprehend what I was clearly asking. People lose their jobs in this industry all the time because of feminism.

She isn't unqualified if they consider her qualified enough to hire her.

Yeah, I can see the software drought that comes from early adoption but it's the business models that disappointment me: monthly subscriptions that mirror the obsolete MMO subscriptions holding my muliplayer games ransom each month.

Please show me this oppression. Where have women been outright refused a job in this industry? When have female gamers been prohibited from playing a videogame? Where have women been refused sale of a game because they were women?

LOL! You're looking for sources of studios being closed down? Seriously? Are you blind or just willfully ignorant?

You have no problem with unqualified people gaining positions of power based solely on who they're dating or who their friends are? Thanks. That just defined who you are as a person and how terrible your work ethic is.

LOL. What? Did I just get told to "leave" a hobby I've been enjoying for more than 30 years because I disagree with the social justice warriors? How about they leave because I'm not going anywhere.

...and people still lose their jobs and studios still get shut down/suffer major financial losses as a result of social justice campaigns launched from sites like Kotaku.

May the blessings of the Flying Spaghetti Monster be upon you.

The keystone of that feminist argument that just doesn't work is that I'm not a guy. I've been playing games since the Atari 2600 and have been enjoying this supposed "No Girls Allowed" club for decades.

Or, these same people that shat all over gamers back when the industry wasn't the multi-billion dollar giant it is today saw a profit and latched onto it like the parasites they are.

You just answered your own question.

Well, I suppose my "borderline insanity" can't be any more dangerous than the crazy hipster liberal douchebaggery that permeates this site. So, it's all good.

Mass appeal can (and does) try to encompass as many special interest groups as possible: just look at American politics. Basically, this watered-down approach to product design placates the loudest of vocal minorities while teetering on the cusp of meeting the bare minimum expectations of a core audience. Game

Yay! Here comes the strawmen! I figure, since you have no idea what you're talking about anyway, tossing in all sorts of bizarre things no one said anything about would be par for the course. Feminism has as much to do with equal rights for the sexes as the KKK has to do with racial equality. Nice try though.

How does feminism bring back fun into gaming? Were games not fun because they weren't conforming to a feminist agenda before?

LOL! I think we're dealing with a feminist suffering from cognitive dissonance (a common trait among them). Hopefully, one day, those blinders of yours will come off and you'll comprehend the damage of your hateful little movement before it harms people you care about even more.

I bought them both because of my job. If my employment didn't rely upon keeping pace with the industry, I probably wouldn't own a 360 or PS3 as well.

You know what's even funnier? When a horrifically ignorant feminist makes it this long into adulthood that it never dawns on them that the person they're trying to insult with passive-aggressive snark is actually a woman. You have failed on so many levels that no amount of fabricated "privilege" will dig you out of