
Read her Tweets (the ones that have been removed and someone salvaged).

The hardware is already out: it costs a monthly fee and is less powerful than my 2 year old PC. The games on the horizon being developed aren't very interesting and now my console library is fragmented between multiple machines. That's not something I'm living in a hopeful future for: my disappointment stems from

Thanks for living up to your stereotype. Those shaming tactics really hammer home your bigotry. "You must be immature because you don't belong to my special social justice club."

They're one of the three main components that have hijacked this industry. Short-sighted businessmen have led to the Wii-U being behind. The lack of games is a result of short-sighted businessmen and inept cronies. Both of these parties cave in to social pressures from the social-justice warriors/feminists.

I buy them because of my job. If I wasn't reimbursed, I'd have definitely not bothered with either of these consoles.

I'm not just uninterested in what's currently out (because that's mainly just ports from previous gen consoles anyways). I'm also not really interested in what's on the horizon. It's all just more of the same with a new coat of paint. When was the last time we saw a new genre? The last one I can recall was the music

How the hell did the social justice warriors and feminists have anything to do with this? Off kilter much?

As much as I'd like to jump on the "Nintendo is out of touch with hardware development" bandwagon, I'm looking over at my PS4 and Xbone collecting just as much dust. This "next gen" has been a huge disappointment.

Sex has sold comic books since their inception. Do I need to drum up a study to reinforce this or can basic observation suffice?

Now playing

Wow, this video and article are extremely offensive.

I love when completely sheltered hipsters try to write about the real world and concepts they know nothing about. It's like when nerds that only got laid because of their financial successes try to write romance (see: Star Wars Episode II: Attack of The Clones).

"I have a deep seeded loathing of boobcups on female armor, so I chose to do the male one."

The visuals aren't really that impressive to me. Nothing's dynamic and the image-stretching seen when viewing the windows at any angle is downright ugly. Since the textures were generated by a photograph, it is pretty safe to say yes, this is a photograph (essentially). Crysis, Farcry 3 and the Witcher 2 looked a lot

Yeah! Gotta get me some of that!

If anything, this shines a huge, glaring light on the major flaws of turning goods into services. It exposes to us consumers how bad "services" are for us and how tenuous a grasp we truly have on the bought and continually paid for "access" we're granted by companies that don't have our best inererests in mind.

As spoiled as many kids are these days, there are far less damaging ways to teach your kid a lesson than what these videos have done.

Just re-brand the damn thing as the "U" and cut your losses, Nintendo.

Exactly. Slavery wasn't really about "humans with one skin color (that) traded humans with another skin color like animals or property" because slavery didn't just exist as myopic people paint it out to be. It's wasn't just "evil whitey" and his subjugation of the Africans.

A classic example of the art department overriding game design. :/