
Yay, male-shaming, FTW!

Yes; seriously.

All you need to know: Youtube screwed itself by short-sighted business practices that were extremely hostile toward their content creators. A new Youtube-like service will arise somewhere else without this bullshit and everyone will move there. RIP, Youtube.

Yeah, that pretty much cements him as part of geek culture. :)

I finally got around to this and I really enjoyed it! There are a lot of free routines with Xbox Live Gold and I actually worked up a sweat. Can't wait to advance up to the stuff the boyfriend does. :)

I'm thinking we'll do the same here. The PS4 just doesn't have anything appealing enough to be turned on these days. We tried Battlefield 4 and that bug-ridden mess was unplayable and the other games just weren't appealing (or already owned other systems).

I've become jaded and difficult to impress these past years because I've been there since (roughly) the beginning.

Your hostility is not appreciated and is completely out of place.

but they do swap hard drives on their consoles which isn't much different.

you have no way to tell whether or not PC gaming will usurp consoles because of these Steam machines and the Steam OS.

That link only reaffirms my point, as those cases you need to buy through their respective stores. You can only configure the parts they put inside for you, but not just buy the case, and put the parts in yourself.

I'm a game & UX designer. Part of my job is to observe usability trends and design accessible systems that cater to as broad of an audience as possible. I've been doing this for about a decade now and have watched various trends fizzle and die while others remain consistently strong.

I'm just skeptical that they really have anything worth bothering with...what incentive is there for me to ditch windows (which is already great from the couch thanks to steam big picture mode) for steam OS?

I've seen alternatives that have already offered this and, IMO, the Steam Boxes don't stray far enough into user-friendliness to attract the console gamers (especially if the price point is higher than say, a PS4). PCs have a farther road to travel to be user-friendly enough to attract the masses intimidated by the

Do you feel that you are in a large majority of PC enthusiasts that will seek out Steam Boxes over the alternatives? I ask this because that's what Valve will need in order to remain relevant in these already saturated hardware markets.

I don't see this as any easier to upgrade than most boutique PCs (or even piecemeal PCs).

I'm with you on the brand recognition part but Valve has never released anything in the hardware market before so that brand may or may not carry the weight it would need to attract the masses.

If they really wanted to push hardware sales, they'd create a killer app (possibly something with a 3 in its title) and package it with the system before it becomes available for purchase on non-Steam Boxes.

I've seen no micro-atx, or even mini-itx cases that you can freely assemble yourself that will get you a case as small as what is shown in that video...unless you build it from scratch.

thats exactly what this is.