
The Playstation Camera's voice recognition is just awful. Multiple people in my household have tried using it and it unreliably comprehends our commands in a completely silent room.

1. I used Obama as an example to demonstrate that just because one person from a racial minority has reached the highest office of the land, it does not mean that racism has been eradicated from America. And same goes for Margaret Thatcher and sexism.

Sadly, I have to agree with that. :(

We really need to take mental health more seriously in this country. :(

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1. I suppose the US now has a post-racial society because Obama is president?

1. Patriarchy refers to a system set up where men are given the authority to govern.

No, it wasn't. It had nothing to do with why Zimmerman choose to follow him, while armed, after the 911 dispatcher told him to stay in his car. Zimmerman wasn't defending himself when he choose to follow an individual who hadn't done anything. We also know that due to a phone call to his girlfriend, Martin was aware

1. If you don’t want one group of people blamed for everything that’s wrong in the world, then I suggest you not look at feminists as one homogenous group responsible for so many ills in society. Again, I don’t agree with all branches of feminism, nor do I think that the movements are without flaws.

Edge: For fuck's sake, guys. Make your consoles backward compatible.

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None of that information was relevant when Zimmerman decided to follow him while armed. A black kid in a strange neighborhood? Trouble! That's racism.

Agreed. No boyfriend I ever had spoke to me like that. It's just another marketing "mook" (retarded man that needs a woman to correct his infantile antics) caricature that ends up thoroughly insulting men and painting women in a negative light as domineering bitch-monsters.

I'm definitely a fan of Boogie. I prefer his non-Francis episodes because he's actually a really well-spoken and insightful guy.

Because the boy in question was black. That's intersectionality.

1. I already stated in my first comment that we as a society can work towards multiple things at the same time.

1. So what does murder represent? Reinforcing the belief that rape is somehow worse than murder and horrible dismemberment, it creates a falsehood and artificially places a larger stigma upon victims than it really should have. "I survived being stabbed 100 times and shot in the face" is far more harrowing and severe

Thank you. My OBGYN shares your sentiment.

I never said anything about realism or whether or not a woman can fight men being realistic. Please re-read my posts.

That's easy: I'm honest.

I'm a woman. I don't need someone telling me how my perception of my own sex is "wrong" (and I REALLY hope you're a woman because the irony of a man telling a woman how she should perceive her own gender is downright laughable).

I would but she's been dead for a few years.