
LOL! How do you know what I have to live with?

I ignored it because it's complete bullshit. I agree it's rather sad that we have to rely on comedians to speak the truth.

I find it both hilarious and depressing that people keep buying this repackaged crap. The "new" levels are straight out of SFxT and 4 of the 5 new characters are as well. Part of me thinks Capcom are geniuses for getting people to re-purchase what they already have while the other part is pretty much done with that

Okay, everybody point and laugh at the Political Correctness Police because this is just absurd. As an Asian, I not only have no problem with what is supposed to be "offensive" to me, I also am guessing that the majority of liberal douches pointing out how racist this is are white people that need a healthy dose of

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So.... When someone makes a sexually objectified video game character, it's "oppressive" yet when someone sluts them self up, it's "empowering?"

I completely agree.

Beauty isn't a winning trick when the expectation is that women should be beautiful, and to be otherwise is to be something less than.

I still have no idea how to eject a disc without entering a the Blu-Ray app and then opening the menu when the app is minimized to select "Eject" from it.

Incoming patent infringement lawsuits!

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It's a trump card. It's a damn powerful trump card when wielded by someone with brains.


A) I have never been told beauty is all I have. Failing to acknowledge that women have a trump card that greatly dwindles in value after a short expiration date is willful ignorance.

Like it or not, that's a power they have and many use to their advantage quite effectively.

They're both power fantasies.

So far, I've been enjoying the XBone more than I thought I would. My boyfriend purchased a PS4 and I bit the bullet and bought the XBone. Unfortunately, we both have been having more fun on the XBone. Is it a sad state of affairs that we were surprised that neither of our products turned out to be lemons?

Karen Carpenter has the voice of an angel. She was my first exposure to American singing and I still play the Carpenters' Christmas album each year around the holidays.

Steam doesn't charge me a monthly fee to access any content.

This is why I'm a PC gamer; such asinine business practices of holding services (and multiplayer games) hostage feels more like extortion than value for my money. If I can access this stuff without any additional fees elsewhere, why would I EVER pay someone to access them on a controlled platform like this? Microsoft

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You're seriously still giving this parasite face time in the media? Wow.