So this is what it's like to be psychoanalyzed by a crazy person? How saddening.
So this is what it's like to be psychoanalyzed by a crazy person? How saddening.
Damn straight; because I'm not the mentally-impaired net-stalker starting shit with some anonymous commentator. You came to me (like you always do) and decided to arse-spray a reply.
Get over yourself.
Nope...because I wasn't looking for your name and simply replied to the thread starter. Please leave me alone.
And I see you're still stalking me.
Yeah, because the Americans somehow thought women are untouchable but transgendered people are okay to beat up. :/ What a huge mess that turned out to be.
Yeah. That's been a common theme this past console generation: tightening control at the cost of alienating your customers.
Yeah. We all lose with that shit move. Congrats on products being turned into services. :/
Without the ability for ad-hoc/player server hosting, this crap is going to become more and more common. Also, they're centralized in the sense that they all require the same portal to log into rather than simply allow others to host servers without the need to be channeled through a single service.
LOL! This is what happens when you centralize servers and make it so players can't host their own. Good luck with your shitty MMO business strategy on a PC shooter, EA. How's that been working out for you with your other games (SimCity)?
I can't wait for Killer Instinct! A few of my friends worked really hard on the project and are hardcore fans of the first (best) game in the series! I also like the new character designs for B.Orchid and Spinal. /Sqweee! :D
"I'd nuke me. Would you nuke me? I'd nuke me so hard."
QUOTE | "No one really seems to like free-to-play. It's not something people get excited about so it's weird that it kind of feels like we're saddled with it."—Soren Johnson, ex-Zynga designer and now founder of Mohawk Games, on why his next game will be a classic pay-once-play-forever game.
Played through it and kept thinking it felt like an indie experiment in gameplay similar to the upcoming Zelda game with a nasty overtone of male-bashing.
The boyfriend picked one up and brought it home this evening. We're already sick of it. Hopefully there are some decent games planned for release within the next few weeks because the games currently available for it just aren't system sellers at all. You can buy nearly all of them in the online store but they're too…
There are a lot of those here in the Bay Area (SanFran). I had never seen one until I moved up here. They're adorable! :)
I can't wait to read about the sweet, sweet rage that will follow when too many customers try logging onto PSN at once and the architecture can't handle it. This move to turn gaming consoles into restricted, closed-platform PCs that require even MORE hoops to jump through is going to get interesting.
Yeah....because that's what I'd want to see on my brand new, $400+ console hardware: 15 year old PS1 game models/graphics. :/
What do you use as a descriptor for GLaDOS? He or Her?
Wait.... Wasn't there a massive feminist outcry that there weren't any well-written/developed female characters a few articles ago? So which is it? Not enough female characters or an article where in which the cover image solely represents female characters (of which many more follow in the comments there in)?