Now if only this mentality would transcend female infallibility and would also cover games, media and art that feminists find offensive and therefore "mysoginistic."
Now if only this mentality would transcend female infallibility and would also cover games, media and art that feminists find offensive and therefore "mysoginistic."
Ezio is what sold the Assassin's Creed series to me because I wasn't much of a fan of Altair (or really any of the protagonists since Ezio). After playing the new stuff, I find myself missing Ezio in the games.
Wow, and a master wordsmith, too? I'm impressed. English isn't your first language, right?
So you fuck pigs? That explains a lot. Thanks for sharing.
Get used to that because I'm fairly confident that no one else will be touching it.
Getting really tired of your hand? Just because no one will touch your penis doesn't mean you make that someone else's problem. Your sexual dysfunctions are between you and your ISP.
What? Forgot that racism against white people is the only acceptable (and celebrated) form of racism these days?
Oh, you flatterer.
I think that was supposed to be funny but I outgrew the "Your mom" (or sister) jokes when I graduated high school. Way to reach for the stars on that witty rejoinder, ace.
Thanks for those words of wisdom. Though that last one is an impossibility, it beautifully displays your weapons grade ignorance for everyone on Kotaku to see. :)
It's moves like this that are really destroying any edge consoles have over PCs.
LOL! Boogie2988's Francis character is like the hedonistic id gamers are always stereotyped as. After watching his YouTube channel for some time now, his non-Francis stuff is actually really insightful and well spoken.
Wow. I can see English isn't your strong point. Kudos for at least spelling "masturbating" correctly (that could probably be attributed to auto-correct).
Considering she's been dead and buried for almost a decade, I'm not sure it could still be considered a "pusseh" at this point. If you like checking out the dead's genitals and enjoy sex with them because the living find you repulsive and have rejected you, that's your business and I wouldn't make your dysfunction…
"It's hard to find an actor that looks like Anduin Lothar."
Hey, friend! I can't believe making money at home is this easy! My sister just made over $50k a month working from home and so can you! Since you appear to have never left the basement and have no available work skills outside of hurling insults at strangers, even you can make money now! Who says snark isn't a…
Fan of what, exactly? I'm not buying either console because they're both overpriced and provide less options than their predecessors.
Gotta love the convenience of this XBone-related news on the eve of the PS4 launch. I'm starting to really hate media as crap like guerrilla marketing is becoming more and more difficult to discern from legitimate people. I feel like the entire internet has devolved into a Yahoo! chat room where in which spam-bots…
I'm not knocking Blizzard for being late to the MOBA party on this but, dammit, that re-name is weapons grade retarded. What was so bad about "Blizzard: All-Stars?"
People had a right to bitch about Steam back in 2004, too — because it sucked balls then.