
Sorry, Bioware. You killed that franchise for me. I don't even care if the game takes place during the First Contact War or not; the series no longer has a place in my heart after that god-awful ME3 finale disaster.

The final "choice" in the original Mass Effect always left me confused. Not only was the option framed poorly, it felt like a slap in the face when I was essentially told what I did was "Renegade" in the eyes of the game's morality compass. Basically, the player is faced with a poorly setup choice that, implied, the

So, beyond a graphical upgrade that's barely considered high-end to PC gamers, what improvements will the PS4 offer customers to justify the price tag, fracturing of a game library that's taken 8 years to build, a new monthly ransom for multiplayer components and a lot of dropped features (is Blu-Ray movie play still

Yeah, that's about how I play those FPS attempts on my iPhone/iPad.

Because people are still rewarding developers/publishers for doing so by buying into their shitty services that have replaced decent products from years ago. If you don't want broken games, stop buying them and encourage your friends to also vote with their wallets.

"Known Battlefield 4 Issues"

My Facebook wall was plastered with pics and videos from the people that worked on his costume. Celeste is an absolute mistress of hair and René looks (and acts) the part perfectly. The bit with the torn out tongue had me laughing loudly at my desk.

With World of Warcraft rapidly hemorrahging users each passing month, I really hope the Modern Warfare console shooter trend continues to sustain Activision because they're going to hit some seriously rough times when these two properties are no longer sustaining them and nothing new has arrived to replace no longer

My 680 still runs everything at maximum settings without cracking a sweat and it's not even on your list to vote for.

The PS4 has dropped all support for external USB storage devices so that's a big "Nope" for any activity using USB thumb drives. :/

Thanks for the warning, Jason!

From what the rumour mill has been churning out, it appears that the PS4 does not support any external USB storage devices anymore nor does it support the media steaming services of its predecessor. So, ultimately, the closed-platform nature of a console has become even more closed and controlled. :(

Did anyone else look at the video and think to themselves: "Wouldn't that shit just be easier, faster and more efficient with a gamepad?"

LOL. How cute. The pleb thinks he's a real person and forgets his place beneath us. >:D

I'm sorry, this problem won't affect me or my brothers and sisters.

....or some people are smart enough to avoid shitty software that digs itself into their OS.

Watched it for about 4 hours one night with the boyfriend (he held the controller). It was actually an okay film but, after he continually "failed" in all of the pathetically bad combat scenarios and didn't "fail", we were both glad that neither of us spent money on this marginally interactive film.

Those goons should have put more time in at the range. The protagonist wasn't so much a badass as someone with at least a modicum of competence with a handgun. Imagine what kind of damage someone that actually knew how to use a gun could have done.

Look. At. Me. Look at how hot I am!

Now playing

The YTMND page sums up his acting chops and line-delivery talents: