
After a couple of years of reflection- throwing out the expanded universe was not only a good idea- it was the ONLY idea.

Superman has the same problem that Deadpool originally had in Wolverine: Origins. The actor is right for the part, but no one else involved seems to understand what makes the character work.

Thank god that in America (land/home/free/brave),you’re not forced to go.I’ll give your seat to someone interested in this sort of movie.Cheers!

Right? At this point with earlier seasons already on Netflix it would be a perfect fit to pick the show up for another, original Netflix season. Plus, with Netflix’s release method, I could binge an entire season of crazy Evil Dead in one go!

They should at least get all three seasons for now, since Ash Vs. The Evil Dead seasons 1 and 2 are on there now.

For me Winter Soldier and Ragnarok are the best and most enjoyable of the bunch.. Though I think all three Cap movies are great. I feel like he’s definitely been the most awesomely Marvel-evoking character of all in the films for me.

No reason to keep Starz around now so that will be another $9 saved each month. Really loved the way they bright back the zany. It has been one hell of a ride.

i understood that reference!

He’s the best Superman we never got. know, while RDJ rightly gets a shitton of credit for how his portrayal of Tony Stark basically gave the MCU the shot of life it needed, Chris Evans might be the best in the MCU, in terms of acting skill.

I hope he can at least make it to the end. Poor dummy looks like someone’s unemployed step-dad who’s just looking for a job to pay the bills.

“You sure you’re not from the DC universe?”

reams and reams of philosophy have been written about defining “good” and though they break down in absolutely extreme situations, they all work well in the broad sense. Sure you can posit a hypothetical serial killer that gets more pleasure than you could possibly ever feel in your entire life by killing you, or

This is my response whenever religious people posit that atheists have no basis for morality. They have it exactly backwards. If you’re only doing something because God (or whomever) says you should, it’s not actually a moral act.

My brother and I wrote this over the weekend:

Well I mean... if there’s one film from the 80s to be rebooted where it would be unfair to complain about the use of CG in....

I actually like what we’ve seen of the suit so far just because it’s so simple. It looks like...well, it looks like something you would see in a 1930s serial, which is exactly how Captain Marvel should look.

I’m just glad it doesn’t have the weird textures that Spider-Man, Batman, and Superman have had on various suits over the past fifteen years. The fake muscles are a bit much but overall he looks like he leapt right out of a comic book. Given how many people complain every time a costume isn’t 100% accurate to their

Much as I hate the alt-right presence in fandom, especially Marvel fandom, I really do feel like the writer had structured this as a closed-ended story not an open-ended one. You don’t give a character terminal cancer in a world full of magical/super-science fixes who rejects those magical/super-science fixes without

I don’t think so.