
There are prequel comics, and they’re not bad. Have a search on Comixology.

Now all they need to do is have some world governing body decide that too much death and destruction has occurred already, so they outlaw all wars. All future battles should be decided by Jaeger on Jaeger arena style fights with the winner winning the “war”.

You know, I love the movie, warts & all, but I certainly understand why some people criticize it — even if I disagree. But ye gods, how can any fantasy/sci-fi fan with a soul look at images like that and not weep tears of joy? Or at a bare minimum, feel a slight tingle in his or her naughty bits?

That tank, the last of the T90s, Cherno Alpha. First generation Mark 1, the heaviest, oldest Jaeger in the circus. But make no mistake, Mr. Becket, it’s a brutal war machine

Every time there’s good news about this sequel I can never find any better way to express my excitement than with this GIF. Can’t wait!

My Jaeger is ready!

Well then strangle it first and go with the flow.

I thought he was underrated as an actor in Stargate: Atlantis. Sure, he was very much playing a highly specific trope, but I thought he had charisma and a realism that was better than many of his costars (and especially the snoozefest of a character that he replaced in Aiden Ford).

Team Gwenpool for life!

I don’t understand how this is a gender thing. Myself and all my male friends shave there too.

I don’t see why we can’t have both? Because I’m not quitting obscure Beetle taillight research.

Ryan just loves playing that character, and the World is better for it.

Fortunately they found another Brent Spiner scientist on Omicron Theta.

Funny enough that was Walt Disney’s entire philosophy when it came to animation. Quality takes time, money and vision. Some old work ethics are right for a reason. Especially when dealing with anything creative. How the people in charge of these industries seem to forget that is baffling.

Exactly, otherwise this could be used to murder drivers. Groups of 4-5 people can jump into the middle of the road and cause cars to automatically slam into walls.

At this point, I can only imagine cinematic Superman would do anything to join the cinematic Avengers.

Saw it as a special release in the theater, and Campbell and Coscarelli were both there doing Q&As. I am proud to say I asked some dumbass question and Campbell shut me down like Ford did public transit in the 40s. He had no time for my foolishness, and it was great.