
Well I fully agree with you, but you know those fuckers in Hollywood...

I think the big defining difference here is that Ryan Reynolds is a true fan of Deadpool and has been trying to get this movie made for over a decade now. I still remember seeing an Interview with him before Blade: Trilogy came out and he was asked "Who is your favorite super hero and would you want to play him?" to

I have no clue why you don't have more stars.

You may want to re-asses you attitude toward how you feel when you look at other people.

It's weird, amongst my friends I hardly heard anything about about the SvB trailer, I heard more about Wonder Woman's costume than I did about the trailer. Conversely I have heard WAY more about the Deadpool leak then I heard about anything else. :D

A lot of us firearm people still get twitchy because a) it is ingrained in us as a safety rule and b) poor habits tend to get people injured or killed even if you are handling a toy firearm.

So I'm scrolling down and seeing people bash "Hunger Games" mostly and "Harry Potter" slightly for being put on this list. I, personally, haven't read either of them but I do know this...

Look Nick, can we talk? Please sit down here for a second.

Then I take it you don't like older Godzilla films, he tends to be on screen less than 20 minutes of their 1 and a half to two hour running time. Monster Zero is the worst for this, he doesn't even show up until over an hour into the movie.

I'm still waiting for them to make a starfighter simulator.

You need the proper gif for that response.

I was surprised at how much I liked this movie when I saw it.

Completely agree with you there (on her being a better director), but I'm sure he had a lot of influence on that movie because he not only wrote but produced it. Damn, I really like the movie and now I have to dig it up and watch it again. :D

Completely agree. If there had not been titles with these the only one I would have gotten was Jaws.

I just feels like before Titanic his producers and editors could at least rein him in a little. The closest he got to full on BS before that was Abyss but I still found that enjoyable even if long winded, but that movie failed at the box office so when he did T2, True Lies, and Strange Days (which is really under

Yeah, I know, I realized my mistake right after the edit button expired. They are both JCs so for some reason my brain lumped them while I was typing.

Opps, your right, but they are both "JCs" so it counts right. :P

I honestly think the SBY stayed too close to the source material, the original was very stand still and monologue mostly because of the constraints of the animation at the time, and the translated that perfectly to the screen. It seamed every time they needed some exposition they just kept the camera pointed straight

Because a live action Tenchi Muyo movie would be the bomb! (Not a bomb like everyone seams to be expecting with this movie)

Back in 1984 Ford made an LTD (not a full sized Crown Vic, but a smaller sedan that eventually evolved into the Taurus) that had a Mustang V8 (the lower horse throttle body versions not the higher horse carberated) and a 3/4 inch sway bar. Not only could it run with Camaros and Mustangs it also handled pretty good