
I think every culture has probably done it to themselves at one point or another. China did it during purges, Europe did it in religious fervor, India did it in caste warfare, Japan did it in isolationist doctrine, it is just part of the cultural cycle no matter how infuriating it may be.

Because the Chinese didn't burn witches. :P

Well, the Chinese were not really part of the European Dark Ages. Probably a better way to put it would be "I wonder where we would be if the Chinese didn't destroy everything every time they had a change of Government."

Well with the addition of Clone Wars into Cannon means that the Mandalorians were kind of the semi-anti-Jedi (was that too many hyphens? Bah, who cares.) and their tactics were specifically made to combat Jedi. They were not there to hunt Jedi exactly, just a political group that viewed them as a threat and prepared

Yeah, I hope they keep this idea and have a New Republic but only have it be one of many factions trying to gain power over the others. Then you could have a faction lead by these "Jedi Hunters" be another that has just made a play to re-unite all the Empire's factions and tip the balance of power against the New

Well, the article IS about what annoys scientists about scientific misunderstandings. Maybe one of the big things that annoys him are when the amateur or uninformed constantly bug him saying they have proven Einstein wrong, especially when they do so from a metaphysical point of view. While the article is about

Oh I hadn't read that, now I need to dig that up. I guess he has the right to change anything he wants. :D

I guess it is because I use a lot of cream in my coffee but I just took that to mean very tannish and I missed the sickle-cell anemia part good catch.

I don't remember Baldur ever calling storms, which the main character does before Odin does his ATM scam at Odin's urging.

I don't think the main character of American Gods is black, he is the reincarnation of Thor and they made a point of never really describing him and I always thought that was because if they did it would have made the fact that he was Thor more apparent from the beginning.

I was surprised how much I like "The Croods"> I was like you and expecting an Ice Age retread but honestly the characters were really fun even if the story was weak in some places, and that gave the story some good emotional weight especially near the end.

I don't know if the URL will work from Google+, if not I'll up load it from my computer.

Yeah, I can understand the possition of the military in this. The Scientist was all "Just let Godzilla take them out" and the Military was all "We can't just sit back and watch as that kills thousands of civilians so we have to try something".

A-10s would have been awesome and honestly perfectly suited for this and I'm mad I didn't think of them, but your suggestion of using the old F-6/MiG-19s would have been even better.

I just don't get you.

Yeah, didn't he do it in Monsters too?

Yeah, but there were a lot more creatures in that than in this movie, and that was more of an action movie then this was. When you have 4 Mecha and over 7 Kaiju to work with it is a lot easier to keep the action fresh and Godzilla just isn't that kind of movie, at least not when you are rebooting it from the

Yeah, but that doesn't excuse the pilots in the area not seeing the dang thing. If they had only used the gag once it wouldn't have been a big idea but using it twice seamed to be pushing it.

Meh, if you say so. I've been a huge fan of Godzilla movies since I was a kid and one of the things that kind of bothered me about them is that they would get really kind of silly the longer the fights would go (like Godzilla using his breath to fly and stuff). This felt like it was the perfect length to me.

See, that doesn't work either because Nuclear Waist isn't that close to Vegas, and if that was the case don't you think that the helicopter pilots would have been radioing "Holy Crap! It just blew out the side of the mountain!"