
Nexus phones shouldn't have it, this is a carrier/manufacturer added program that the Nexuses won't have because they are clean Android.

So far it has been only found on Sprint handsets, most Verizon users haven't found it yet but I don't know about T-Mobile.

Oh hey, look at this here...

Sadly, no, no it didn't.

If that is true why do I enjoy using it so much? I only have a few friends there and most of their stuff they share across G+/Facebook/Twitter.

I'm the same way, I follow people that I know will start interesting intelligent discussions while Facebook is for seeing who ate what for lunch and what not.

That doesn't make sense though, does that mean that you see two separate pictures in your head? If they combine like they should you should see the illusion.

It isn't about tricking the brain, it is about how your eyes work. If your eyes are working properly then when you look through the tube your brain will combine both images and you will see a hole through your hand. We have Binocular vision which means that we judge depth by the pictures from two separate sources

My wife can't either and that is because she has a condition where she can only see through one eye at any given time so she can't get the effect.

Well in base philosophy it is correct. If you believe in Creationism then you believe the Chicken came first because God created the chicken. If you believe in Evolution then the egg came first because the chicken that hatched was a mutation from a similar animal that was almost a chicken. Even if the evolution

But it isn't suppose to be a true factual argument, it is more of a simplification argument to discuss a base philosophy in easier terms. While a creationist may believe that Poof, a chicken happened (and thus a simple example like "Chicken vs Egg" works for them completely) those that believe in evolution know it is

I agree, but now you got me talking about the "Chicken and Egg" argument. That argument boils down to the "Creationism vs Evolution" argument. If you believe in creationism then you say the Chicken came first because it was created and then laid the egg, if you believe in evolution then the egg came first and is was

That is almost a "Chicken and Egg" thing though, if there was no racism then over the course of hundreds of years the races may intermingle enough that you can't tell who may be what anymore.

Except that the line of people obviously wasn't impeding them too much seeing as they stepped over it to pepper spray them. Even if they wanted to arrest them they could have done it without the pepper spray if they were properly trained, and if they were not then they shouldn't have been using it to begin with.

Well they didn't have to destroy all but one, they could have "Mixed the pot" and just kept interbreeding until they were one race. That would be a much more fun way to do it.

This is not the same thing. If you were pulled over you are now a suspect in a minor crime (traffic violation) that means they have the right to hold you in conjunction with that crime.

I believe in the rights of the individual and support all of the bill of rights. I own a firearm and believe that right should not be infringed upon. I also believe in the right to peaceful assembly and that includes the OWS protests.

I don't understand where you see that Google has made his position look biased. Google would be stupid NOT to have taken pictures with a guy who is known to be one of the least biased people on tech being an early adopter, but I don't see anywhere where they try and saw Woz likes Android more than iOS.

Well that too, I was more mentioning why they didn't give all iOS devices access to Siri, not why they put something that was not quite ready on the 4s.

I good reason for them to do this is to keep access to the servers limited. The servers have already gone down several times due to an overload of usage, if all of a sudden every iOS device also logged onto those servers then the service would be going down all the time.